Page 21 of Threat Unleashed

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“But we can’t leave him here alone,” Sanjay argued. “No one should be alone at a time like this.”

“I’m standing right here,” Dario said, seeming irritated. “Stop acting like I don’t know what I need right now. I want to be alone.”

“He’ll be safe here,” Jake said to Sanjay. “My house has an alarm system, and Trenton doesn’t know where I live. We can go to your house for the night.”

Sanjay hesitated. He didn’t want to leave Dario alone, but he also knew that Dario needed some time to process everything that had happened. He looked at Dario, searching for any sign that his friend might change his mind, but Dario’s face was a mask of determination.

“Okay,” Sanjay finally said. “But you have to promise me that you’ll call if you need anything.”

Dario nodded, and Sanjay could see the tears glistening in his friend’s eyes. He felt a pang of guilt for leaving him, but he knew that he couldn’t force Dario to talk if he wasn’t ready.

Reluctantly, Sanjay walked off the porch, not even bothering to go inside. If he went inside, he might not leave. Everything in him told him to stay, but he didn’t want Dario resenting him for not abiding by his wishes.

Sanjay waited in Jake’s car as Jake locked up the house for Dario. When Jake slipped into the driver’s seat, he took Sanjay’s hand in his as he pulled from the driveway.

“He just needs time, Sanjay.”

They rode to Sanjay’s in silence, but when they reached his house, instead of going inside, Sanjay took a seat on the porch.

“I’ll go get us something to drink.”

Sanjay simply nodded as Jake walked into his house. His mate had never been there before, but Sanjay wasn’t in the mood to give him a tour. The most Jake had seen was Sanjay’s back porch. Maybe later he would show his mate around.

Sanjay sat there feeling like a failure. Common sense told him this wasn’t his fault. Trenton kept going after Dario, and alone, Sanjay just couldn’t keep his friend safe from such a monster.

“Stop beating yourself up,” Jake said as he pushed open the screen door with his shoulder, bringing out two glasses of lemonade. He handed one to Sanjay as he took a seat in the other chair. “None of this is your fault, Sanjay.”

“I just don’t understand why Dario can’t…” Sanjay accepted the glass as he gazed at the railing. He ran a hand through his black hair, taking a deep breath. It was hot out, his hair sticking to his sweaty skin. He didn’t have any air-conditioning, so he sat out on the porch in a half attempt at catching a stray breeze.

“You can’t save everyone,” Jake said, though there was a sad note to his voice.

Sanjay glanced at his mate. “Who couldn’t you save?”

“Why do you think I couldn’t save someone?” Jake leaned forward and set his glass on the table between the chairs. He sat back, twining his fingers together and resting them on those amazing abs.

Sanjay was such a goner. Jake’s electric-blue eyes seemed to gaze into his soul. Sanjay wasn’t sure he liked that, especially when he wasn’t ready to talk about Matt. “I finally know your frustrations.”

“How do you mean?” Jake asked.

“I wanted so badly for Dario to tell me what he was thinking, talk to me about what he was going through, but I knew I couldn’t force him.” He looked at Jake. “The same way you want to know about my past, but I don’t think I’m ready to tell you just yet.”

“There was someone I couldn’t save.” Jake sighed. “Her name was Matilda. She lived next door to me, and I knew her husband was abusing her, but I was always taught to mind my own damn business. I kept telling myself that it wasn’t my problem.”

Sanjay listened as Jake told him about finally having enough and going next door to confront Richard, only to find Matilda dead.

He was horrified that not only had Jake gone through something so horrific but that Matilda had died at the hands of someone who had vowed to love and cherish her.

“I’m so sorry, Jake.”

His mate shrugged. “It was over eighty years ago.”

“But I can tell it still haunts you.” Sanjay looked his mate over. Jake was masculine in every sense of the word. He had broad shoulders, the kind that looked like they could shoulder the world. He was tanned, with nice biceps and a chest made for Sanjay to cuddle against. His upper body tapered down into a narrow waist, screaming at Sanjay to wrap his legs around them. Jake had powerful thighs, the kind that could hold him up as Sanjay ground his balls into them. His brow slowly rose as his heart rate picked up.

“I still think about her once in a while,” Jake admitted while he brushed at his pant leg. “She sometimes haunts my dreams.”

Sanjay sat forward, set his glass aside, and clasped his hands between his legs. “I was once in Dario’s situation.”

Sanjay’s heart beat even faster. He couldn’t believe he was about to tell Jake about Matt. Since leaving the guy, Sanjay hadn’t told anyone about what he’d endured. He’d been too embarrassed to admit that he’d stayed so long.
