Page 26 of Threat Unleashed

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“Aren’t you a charmer.” Sanjay smiled.

“It’s the truth,” Jake replied. Fuck, he didn’t want to get up either. If he didn’t own the bar, he’d call Kendrick back and tell him to deal with things himself. But Fearless Fox was busy, and Jake didn’t want Kendrick walking out, too.

Not that he thought Kendrick would, but he wasn’t willing to chance it.

“Ugh.” Sanjay tossed back the covers. “I heard the conversation. Your bar is busy. You have to go. I don’t know how to sling drinks, but I’m pretty sure I can wait tables.”

“You’re willing to go with me?”

Sanjay gave him the evil eye. “I’m not going to leave you hanging, Jake. I’m gonna call Kayla and see if she can get her butt into the bakery at five to get things started.”

“Or…” Jake covered Sanjay’s body with his, loving that they were still naked and how his mate felt against him. “Or you could close the bakery for the day. Or half-day.”

Sanjay pursed his lips. Jake loved that look. “I don’t have any pressing orders, so I guess I can take an unscheduled day off. Just don’t make a habit of asking me to play hooky.”

Jake nibbled his way down Sanjay’s neck, enjoying how his mate responded to him. But the passion was short-lived when he remembered they had things to do. Just that fast, he’d forgotten. That was what his mate did to him.

Sanjay slapped Jake’s bare chest. “Don’t you dare start something and then quit on me.”

Jake could see himself falling in love with Sanjay. It wouldn’t be a hard feat. He was already halfway there.

When he tried to get up, Sanjay pulled him back down and straddled Jake’s lap. Fuck, his mate looked damn good sitting atop him. “Will the place fall apart if you don’t show up? I mean I did agree to take the day off.”

Jake rested his hands on Sanjay’s sides. “But one of your employees didn’t just call you with a crisis.”

Sanjay leaned forward, resting his forearms on Jake’s chest. “You have a point.”

“A point you already knew about.” Jake squeezed Sanjay’s sides. “I think you just wanted to be on top of me.”

He absolutely loved it when a lover played with his beard, but he liked it even more that it was his mate who was scraping his fingers through the hairs. “I haven’t told you how much your beard turns me on.”

“From this day forward, I shall never again set blade to them.”

With a deep exhale, Sanjay slid off of him. Damn Adan for quitting. Jake had been sleeping in bliss, the first real sleep he’d gotten in a while. Now he had to get up, dress, and go run things himself.

Being owner of Fearless Fox, Jake should have had the option of working or spending time with his mate. He wanted the latter, but duty called.

After they dressed—they’d share a shower when they got back—Jake grabbed his things, and they left. It didn’t take long to make it to the bar, and as soon as Jake walked in, he noticed how the servers—he employed three—were running frantically around.

Then he noticed Kendrick behind the bar. It was usually Jake and Adan, but now it would just be Jake until he found another bartender.

“About time,” Kendrick said. “I’ve been jumping between cooking and serving drinks.”

Jake waved him off. “Go cook. I’ve got this.”

Kendrick’s gaze slid to Sanjay before he hurried toward the kitchen.

“He seems nice.”

“He is.” Jake walked to the bar, pulling Sanjay behind him. “He’s also too valuable to lose if he has to do both jobs.”

Sanjay spread his arms after Jake let his hand go. “I’m all yours. Use me as you see fit.”

Jake smirked. “If I wanted to do that, we should have stayed in bed.”

He chuckled as his mate blushed.

“I don’t know how to serve drinks,” Sanjay said. “I might be better suited to help in the kitchen.”
