Page 38 of Threat Unleashed

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Jake couldn’t believe how much he loved his little gazelle. So far, Sanjay hadn’t spoken to Dario. Jake wasn’t sure if that friendship would ever be repaired.

In Jake’s opinion, Dario was no good for Sanjay. He’d put his tormentor first, not only jeopardizing Sanjay’s life but Jake’s, too.

Beanpole was out of his coma and facing some serious charges. Jake was ready to put all that behind him and enjoy his life with Sanjay.

The most important person in the world to him. They’d fought hard to get where they were, had gone through horrific obstacles, and they were still standing, falling deeper and deeper in love.

“Kendrick,” Jake called out as they entered the kitchen, “I have your eating machine with me.”

“Cool,” Kendrick said with a smile. “I have a new recipe in mind, and I need Sanjay’s help.”

“As long as you feed me, I’m at your disposal,” Sanjay said.

Jake couldn’t resist spinning Sanjay in his arms, their bodies melting together in a passionate embrace. The taste of Sanjay’s lips was intoxicating, igniting a fire within Jake that he longed to unleash on the chrome workstation behind them. But instead, he poured all of his love into that kiss, knowing that Sanjay was his everything, his entire universe.

