Page 8 of Threat Unleashed

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Sanjay looked horrified, until Jake realized his mate was only teasing him. “Are you an alien? Who doesn’t like blueberry?”

“Me.” Jake chuckled.

“Fine.” Sanjay huffed as he grabbed another muffin from behind the counter and handed it over. “Here’s a chocolate chip one.”

“Now you’re right up my alley.” Jake took a huge bite, groaning at how soft it was and how the chocolate melted right in his mouth. “I’m gaining fifty pounds being mated to you.”

“Trust me,” Sanjay said as he closed the container. “After a while, you’ll get sick of stuffing your face with sweets.”

“Doubt it,” Jake said before he took another bite. “I should’ve been born a bear shifter because of how much I love sweets.”

That made Sanjay chuckle, and Jake loved that sound even more than the muffin.

Chapter Three

A warm, comfortable silence settled over them as they savored their treats. Sanjay couldn’t help but admire Jake’s strong jawline and the way his electric-blue eyes sparkled with amusement. He was an easy man to be around, and Sanjay found himself relaxing in his presence.

“So,” Sanjay began, wiping his fingers on a napkin, “you mentioned that you own the bar. What’s that like?”

Jake shrugged. “It’s a lot of work, but I enjoy it. I get to meet all sorts of interesting people, and I get to serve drinks all day. It’s not a bad gig.”

“I bet,” Sanjay said. “What kind of drinks do you serve?”

“Well, along with beer and wine,” Jake replied, “we make a lot of different cocktails and specialty drinks. We have a little bit of everything. And as you found out, we even serve bar food.”

“Which was amazing.” Sanjay took another sip of his coffee. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to make fancy drinks. Maybe you could teach me sometime.”

Jake’s eyes lit up. “I’d love to. It’s always more fun to make drinks with someone else.”

Sanjay smiled. “Great. It’s a date then.”

Jake chuckled. “I like the sound of that.”

They finished their coffee and muffins, and Sanjay felt a sense of contentment seep through him. It was nice to have someone to talk to, someone who understood him and didn’t judge him. He knew he couldn’t keep his past a secret forever, but for now, he just wanted to enjoy Jake’s company.

“So, Jake,” Sanjay said, breaking the silence, “what do you like to do in your free time?”

Jake grinned. “Well, I like to work out, read, and watch movies. And of course, I love spending time at my bar.”

“Your bar really is nice,” Sanjay said. “I’ve always been a bit of a homebody, but I do enjoy going for walks and hikes.”

“We should go on a hike sometime,” Jake suggested. “There’s a great trail not too far from here. It’s beautiful this time of year.”

Sanjay’s heart fluttered at the thought of spending more time with Jake. “That sounds like a great idea,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Jake finished his coffee and stood up. “Well, I should get going. Even though I don’t have to open the bar soon, you have a business to get back to. Those delicious muffins aren’t going to bake themselves.”

Sanjay felt a pang of disappointment but quickly hid it. “Thanks for stopping by and bringing me a coffee.”

Jake walked over to Sanjay and placed his finger under Sanjay’s jaw, tilting his head up so that Sanjay could look at him. “It was great spending time with you. Is it okay if I have your number?”

“Yeah, sure.” Sanjay whipped his phone from his back pocket and asked Jake for his number then dialed the guy’s phone.

“Sweet.” Jake winked. “Call you later?”

“Yes.” Sanjay felt giddy, even though he still had reservations about being mated to a wolf.

Sanjay was a gazelle shifter. They were the oddest pairing, but if Jake was willing to be patient, Sanjay would be willing to try his best to keep an open mind.
