Page 10 of Sweet Refuge

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Laith squeaked when Tillman pulled him into a tight hug. “I’m sorry that happened to you, Laith. Things are very different in Midnight Falls. We don’t give a rat’s ass who is dating who.”

“Ease up on the hug before you crack a few ribs,” Laith grunted.

“Sorry.” Tillman loosened his hold but was still enveloping him. “I just want you to know you can be who you are here.”

“Thanks.” God, the guy smelled so damn good.

Laith allowed himself to relax in Tillman’s embrace, feeling truly safe for the first time in a long while. He rested his head on Tillman’s broad chest, breathing in his woodsy scent.

“I’m glad I found my way here,” Laith said softly. “Never thought I’d feel this accepted.”

Tillman gently rubbed Laith’s back. “Well, you just let me know if anyone gives you trouble. I’ll take care of it.”

Laith chuckled. “My knight in shining armor.”

He felt Tillman press a kiss to the top of his head. “You’re goddamn right. No one messes with someone I care about.”

“You care about me?” Laith’s heart swelled at those words. He tilted his head back to look up at Tillman, his striking eyes full of warmth. Before Laith even realized what he was doing, he leaned up and kissed him.

Tillman made a surprised sound but instantly responded, kissing Laith back firmly. Laith slid his hands up Tillman’s chest and wrapped his arms around his neck, losing himself in the feel and taste of Tillman’s mouth.

When they finally broke for air, both men were panting.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Tillman said, a slow smile spreading across his face.

“Sorry, I got a little carried away,” Laith said, his cheeks flushed.

“Don’t apologize. I liked it. A lot.” Tillman brushed his thumb over Laith’s kiss-swollen lower lip. “In fact, feel free to get carried away anytime.”

Laith grinned up at him. He hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. He had found a home, and possibly more. He leaned up and initiated another kiss, this time more confidently, deepening it as their tongues met in an intimate dance. His heart beat wildly in anticipation as he explored the contours of Tillman’s mouth, his growing arousal straining against his jeans.

Tillman groaned low in his throat, his grip on Laith tightening. “Do you want to take this to the bedroom?” he growled against Laith’s ear before nipping the sensitive skin right below his lobe.

Laith’s eyes widened at the jolt that coursed through him. Oh, he couldn’t have agreed more. He nodded mutely, already standing up and pulling Tillman by the hand toward his bedroom. They practically tripped over each other in their haste to reach the bed.

Tillman pushed the door shut behind them and then spun Laith around to press him against the wall. Their mouths crashed together once more, their kisses feverish and desperate. Fabric rustled as they impatiently tugged at each other’s clothes. Laith’s shirt was the first to go, closely followed by Tillman’s. He gasped as Tillman’s bare chest came into contact with his. Heated skin on heated skin sent delicious shivers up his spine.

Tillman’s hands roamed over Laith’s body, exploring every inch of him as if memorizing each curve and dip. Laith moaned out loud when a strong, calloused hand gripped his erection through his jeans, squeezing firmly. “God, you feel so hard for me,” Tillman growled in his ear before nipping the sensitive skin there.

This had to be a dream. There was no way he had Tillman in his bedroom, seeming just as desperate for Laith as Laith was for him.

Laith brushed his hand down Tillman’s abdomen until his fingers touched the waistband of the guy’s pants. They hovered near the snap as Laith swallowed hard. “I–I want to taste you.” He felt his face heating up at his blunt statement.

Tillman’s abdomen jerked. “Go ahead.” He guided Laith’s hand to his trapped erection. Laith squeezed, making Tillman groan. He tried unfastening the man’s jeans, but Laith was too damn excited and couldn’t seem to get his hands to work.

Tillman finally had mercy on Laith when he unsnapped his pants, pulling the zipper all the way down. The metal-on-metal sound seemed to amplify in Laith’s ears.

Tillman shoved his jeans all the way down his legs. His thick fingers wrapped around the base of his cock. Laith could see now that Tillman wanted him on his knees.

Before Laith could lower himself, Tillman grabbed a pillow from the bed and dropped it at his feet. Laith wanted to say something witty, but nothing came to mind as he stared at the hard cock in Tillman’s hand.

With his heart beating faster, Laith lowered his knees to the pillow. He was now staring directly at the head. Small glistening beads of pre-cum were escaping from the slit. The strong, manly scent filled Laith’s lungs.

“Taste me.”

Laith could hear the desire in the man’s voice. He licked his lips seductively before opening his mouth to take in the head. Tillman moaned softly as Laith’s tongue swirled around the tip, drawing him deeper into his mouth with each sensual suck.

Laith placed the palms of his hands on Tillman’s thighs, feeling the coiled muscles under his fingertips. As he licked his way around the head, Laith took another inch into his mouth.
