Page 11 of Sweet Refuge

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Tillman gripped Laith’s hair firmly, guiding his head back and forth as Laith eagerly took in the man’s hard cock. Each thrust sent shivers of pleasure through Laith’s body, his lips stretching to accommodate every inch until they were pressed against Tillman’s base. The slow, sensual movements drove both men wild with desire, and they became lost in the intensity of their intimate connection.

Laith eagerly suckled on Tillman’s throbbing cock, his moans of pleasure sending vibrations through the shaft. As Tillman’s hips moved with increasing urgency, Laith took him deeper, his tongue eagerly lapping and swirling around every inch.

Then Laith released his own cock, stroking himself with urgency. With a primal growl, Tillman erupted in a hot, thick stream, coating Laith’s tongue and filling his mouth with an intoxicating taste as Laith’s own orgasm shattered him. He struggled to swallow every drop of Tillman’s release, but the overflow trickled down his chin.

“Fuck,” Tillman moaned and then pulled Laith up. When he looked down at Laith’s groin, he moaned. “That’s fucking hot. I wish I’d known you were stroking yourself. I would have watched every second.”

Laith was too busy trying to breathe. Never had his orgasm been so strong when he’d pleasured himself in the past. He had a feeling that Tillman was going to wreck him in the best way possible.

“Now are you ready to eat?” Tillman cupped Laith’s face and kissed him until Laith needed air in his lungs.

“Starving,” Laith said when he could breathe again.

Tillman smirked. “Now that we got that out of the way, I’m ready to eat the entire menu.”

The guy looked as if he could do just that. Laith was still surprised by how large Tillman was, but at least now he didn’t have to worry about getting kicked out of town.

With his heart lighter, Laith chuckled as they righted their clothes and headed out the door.

Chapter Four

Laith felt like he was on top of the world. He’d gotten his latest project done on schedule and had time to kill. All he’d thought about since waking up was Tillman, the guy who’d flipped his world upside down.

Laith smiled to himself as he recalled the intimacy they had shared. Though their encounter had been brief, it left Laith craving more. He found himself daydreaming about Tillman’s strong, muscular body and imagining all the ways they could explore each other.

As he stood at his kitchen counter, Laith debated whether he should go to Tillman’s shop. He didn’t want to seem too eager, but his body ached for Tillman’s touch.

Once Laith made up his mind and decided to go, his heart raced as he headed for the door, butterflies swirling in his stomach. Maybe he would stop at the diner and pick up a late lunch for them. Laith had yet to eat today, wanting to get his work done, and now he was starving.

That seemed to be the one thing he and Tillman kept circling back to, food. Luckily Deep Dish had some amazing food. Laith had even heard some customers yesterday talking about a place called Wild Tiger Barbeque. There was a lot to explore in Midnight Falls, but Laith wanted Tillman to show him around.

With a smile on his face, Laith opened the front door, only to stop dead in his tracks as his heart leapt to his throat. Standing on the other side was Daniel.

“How did you—”

“It’s not what you think.” Daniel held his hands up, palms out. “I’m not here to cause any problems, Laith.”

How had his ex-boyfriend found him? “You have five seconds to tell me why you’re here before I—”

“Save the threats.” Daniel brushed past him and entered Laith’s apartment. “Why does it smell sickly sweet in here?”

“Weird. It suddenly smells like garbage to me,” Laith said as he turned. “I think I need to take out the trash.”

Daniel smirked. “I always loved your sense of humor.”

Laith gripped the doorknob tightly in his hand. “Speak your piece and get the hell out.”

“Close the door,” Daniel said as he faced Laith. “There’s more going on than you know.”

Reluctantly, Laith closed his apartment door. “It’s over, Danny. I’ve moved on, and so should you.”

“I’m about to tell you some things that are going to blow your mind, and some things that might hurt your feelings, but don’t take it personal.”

Now the guy had Laith’s full attention. He didn’t think they had anything else to talk about, but from the stern look on Daniel’s face, the guy thought otherwise.

Laith took a seat on the arm of his couch, placing his hands in his lap. “First, how did you find me?”

Daniel was glancing around as if he’d never seen a living room before. He tapped at a few pictures, examined the items on a bookshelf, and then looked out the window. “We’ll just say it wasn’t hard and leave it at that.” He finally spun around and looked Laith over. “It was fun with you, but I never caught any real feelings.”
