Page 19 of Sweet Refuge

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Laith huffed a soft laugh. “I know. And it doesn’t change how I feel about you.” He tilted his head up, meeting Tillman’s gaze. “I think I’ve known there was something different about you all along. Finding out we’re mates just confirms it.”

Tillman’s arms tightened around him. “You’re taking this a lot better than I expected.”

“Oh, trust me. I’m freaking out on the inside,” Laith admitted. “But as long as I’m with you, I know everything will be okay.”

Tillman made a low, pleased sound and nuzzled into Laith’s hair. They stayed curled together on the couch, drawing comfort from each other. And despite the insanity his life had become, Laith had never felt safer.

Yes, the situation with Daniel and his demonic father was dangerous, but Laith trusted that Tillman would protect him. Underneath that huge, burly exterior beat the heart of someone caring and brave.

Laith leaned into Tillman’s embrace, comforted by his steady presence. Though his world felt like it was spinning out of control, here in Tillman’s arms, things made sense.

“What do we do now?” Laith asked softly. “About Daniel and his father, I mean.”

Tillman exhaled. “I don’t know yet, but we’ll figure it out.” His voice was a low rumble. “I won’t let anyone hurt you, Laith. I promise you that.”

Laith nodded, believing him. He knew Tillman would move mountains to keep him safe.

They lapsed into thoughtful silence, simply drawing comfort from each other’s closeness. Laith’s mind turned over the revelations of the last few hours. Daniel, a demon. Tillman, a shapeshifter. Mates. It was a lot to process. But deep down, Laith understood it didn’t change the foundations of who they were.

Finally, Laith shifted to look up at Tillman. “What’s it like?” he asked curiously. “Shifting into a bear, I mean. Does it hurt?”

Tillman smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “No, it doesn’t hurt. The bear is as much a part of me as my human form. Shifting forms is as natural to me as breathing,” he explained. “There’s no pain, just a ripple of energy passing through as my body changes. My senses sharpen, taking on the bear’s keen hearing and smell.”

He paused, pursed his lips, and then added, “It’s freeing, in a way. As a bear I feel more connected to nature. But I’m still me inside—my thoughts and feelings remain the same.” He brushed a hand through Laith’s hair. “If you want, we could take a walk in the forest.”

“While you’re a bear?”

Tillman shook his head, his facial hair brushing Laith’s forehead. “I could be in either form, whichever you’re more comfortable with.”

Laith could tell his answer meant a lot to Tillman. He considered the offer carefully. On the one hand, the idea of seeing Tillman’s bear form again made him nervous. Those massive claws and sharp teeth were intimidating, even if he knew Tillman would never deliberately hurt him.

Yet Laith trusted Tillman intrinsically. And didn’t he owe it to Tillman to try and understand this integral part of who he was?

Laith took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. I think...I think I’d like to go for a walk.”

Relief flashed across Tillman’s face. He smiled softly. “Thank you. I know this isn’t easy.”

Tillman stood and offered Laith a hand. Together, they walked out to the forest behind the house. The evening air was crisp but not cold. Perfect for a twilight stroll.

Once they were a ways into the trees, Tillman stopped and turned to Laith. “Ready?”

Laith nodded, stomach fluttering with anticipation.

After stripping naked, Tillman dropped to all fours. Where a man once stood, there was now a massive grizzly bear.

Laith’s breath caught, just like it had the first time he’d seen Tillman shift. The bear—no, Tillman—shook his head and blinked at Laith. Seeing the familiar intelligence in those pretty eyes put Laith at ease.

“Hi,” he said softly, taking a step closer. Tillman chuffed in response. Laith reached out a cautious hand. When Tillman leaned into the touch, Laith stroked the thick fur along his neck. “This is my second time seeing this, and I’m still getting used to it.”

They set off walking side by side through the quiet forest. Laith marveling at this wondrous new world.

He walked slowly beside Tillman’s lumbering bear form, one hand resting lightly on his furry shoulder. The size and power of Tillman’s alternate shape was still daunting, but Laith felt his nervousness fading. This was still his Tillman, no matter what skin he wore.

They wandered aimlessly through the shadowy forest as the last light of dusk faded. Laith drank in the sounds and scents of the forest at night—the whisper of leaves in the breeze, the rich aroma of damp earth and the feel of pine needles underfoot. Overhead, the first few stars were emerging in a velvety purple sky.

Tillman rumbled softly, nudging Laith’s arm with his muzzle. Laith smiled. “Its beautiful out here,” he murmured.

The bear made a sound of agreement. They walked on in easy silence. Despite the looming threat from Daniel’s demonic father, some of the ever-present tension in Laith’s shoulders unknotted. Here with Tillman, he felt at peace. Protected.
