Page 22 of Sweet Refuge

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With a groan, Laith stretched, working the kinks out of his back. He’d slept surprisingly well after their harrowing night. Glancing at the antique clock on the mantle, he was shocked to see it was nearly noon.

The floorboards creaked under his feet as he made his way to the kitchen. He paused in the doorway, taking in the domestic scene.

Tillman stood at the stove, muscular back to Laith as he tended a skillet. A crisp button-down shirt stretched over his broad shoulders, though he’d rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. Laith’s heart gave a squeeze of affection.

Clearing his throat, Laith stepped into the kitchen. “Something smells amazing.”

Tillman glanced over his shoulder with a smile. “Good morning. I hope you’re hungry. I made us a big breakfast.”

He turned back to the stove and then slid a heaping platter of food onto the kitchen table next to a vase of freshly cut wildflowers. Eggs, sausage, stacks of toast, and fried potatoes steamed temptingly.

Laith’s stomach growled audibly. Chuckling, Tillman pulled a chair out for him. “Eat up. You need to regain your strength after last night.”

The concern in his tone made Laith’s chest feel warm. He dug in eagerly, groaning at the explosion of flavors. Tillman refilled his coffee before settling down across from him.

They ate in contented silence for several minutes. But troubling thoughts still lingered at the back of Laith’s mind. Swallowing a bite of toast, he met Tillman’s gaze.

“What are we going to do about the hunters?”

“I already called Sheriff Harper about them.” Tillman took a bite of his toast, chewed, and swallowed. “He’s going to make sure more signs are put up to try and stop them, even though there are already plenty of signs up stating that hunting is illegal in Midnight Falls.”

Laith snorted. “I hardly think signs are a deterrent for these guys.”

“I agree,” Tillman said.

Laith frowned, considering their options. “We may need to take more direct action. I know you want to avoid violence, but I have a feeling they’ll be back.”

Tillman sighed, reaching across the table to take Laith’s hand. “I don’t like it either. But you’re right. We have to protect this land and the creatures that call it home.”

“We could set traps along the trails and access points they use,” Laith suggested. “Non-lethal snares and such. If we can catch them in the act, there will be evidence to press charges.”

Tillman nodded slowly. “That could work. We’ll have to be smart about placement so no one gets hurt accidentally. I’ll talk to some of the other shifters, see if they can recommend any effective deterrents.”

“Good plan.” Laith speared another sausage link. “It’s not perfect, but it’s better than sitting back and letting them destroy the forest.”

They ate in thoughtful silence for a few minutes.

“On a brighter note,” Tillman said eventually, “there’s a meteor shower tonight. I thought maybe we could watch it together, make an evening of it.”

Laith smiled, touched by the sweet suggestion. “That sounds really nice.” After the stress of the previous night, an evening of stargazing with Tillman sounded perfect.

Tillman’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled back. “It’s a date then.”

The rest of breakfast passed enjoyably as they discussed plans for the evening. By the time they finished eating, Laith felt re-energized and optimistic.

“I’ll clean up while you go check on your shop,” Laith offered.

“It’s already noon,” Tillman reminded him. “Besides, having the shop closed for a day isn’t going to hurt my bottom line.”

“Are you sure?” The last thing Laith wanted was for Tillman’s business to suffer.

Tillman waved a hand dismissively as he started clearing dishes from the table. “Don’t worry about the shop. I’d rather spend the day with you.”

He leaned down to brush a kiss over Laith’s lips before carrying the plates to the sink. Laith smiled, his concerns easing. For now, he was content to enjoy these quiet moments of respite.

“Let me at least help with the dishes,” Laith said, standing and rolling up his sleeves.

Tillman shot him an amused look but didn’t argue. Side by side they quickly washed and dried the morning dishes. Laith found himself leaning into Tillman’s solid warmth, skin tingling whenever their arms brushed.
