Page 26 of Sweet Refuge

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Laith melted into a puddle of goo. No one had ever spoken to him that way, and he loved it.

They gazed at each other for a long moment, the air between them thick with unspoken emotions. Then a knock at the door broke the spell.

“That’ll be the sheriff.” Tillman gave Laith’s hands one last squeeze before rising to answer the door.

Laith stayed seated, listening to the murmur of voices as Tillman explained what had transpired.

After a few minutes, heavy footsteps approached the kitchen. Laith looked up to see a tall, imposing man with a kind smile enter. He wore a sheriff’s uniform and had a no-nonsense air about him, but his eyes expressed a different thing. They were filled with compassion.

“Evening,” the sheriff said. His sharp eyes studied Laith intently. “You must be Tillman’s mate. Heard you two had some trouble tonight.”

Laith nodded, feeling self-conscious in nothing but his boxers. “Yes, sir. Those men attacked us out of nowhere. Tillman was just protecting us.”

He explained how they’d run them off the night before, things that Tillman probably told the sheriff already, but Laith felt compelled to tell the sheriff everything that had transpired.

The sheriff huffed. “Sorry you had to go through that, Laith.” He shook his head. “Hunters have been a thorn in my side for years. Glad Tillman gave them what was coming to them.”

Laith was relieved that Tillman wasn’t in trouble.

“We’ll get things cleaned up and call this a hunting accident,” Sheriff Harper said. “Hunting is illegal in our town, but not everyone abides by it. How’s your side?”

“Sore, but I’m okay.” Laith liked the sheriff. The guy was kind and concerned, a far cry from Sheriff Brighton. Daniel’s father had cared for no one but himself. Now that Laith knew the truth, he doubted Cade even cared for his own son.

“We have a different problem, as well.” Tillman told Sheriff Harper about Daniel and Sheriff Brighton. “Daniel swears his father is out for revenge.”

Sheriff Harper sighed. “Not the first time we’ve had demon problems in this town. Probably won’t be the last. I’ll have my deputies keep an eye on things in case trouble comes to town.”

“I appreciate that, Sheriff,” Tillman said.

“No problem. And Laith,” the sheriff added, resting a hand on his shoulder, “you two come to me if you need anything, all right?”

Tillman walked him out, and Laith took the opportunity to change into some sweats he found in a drawer. They were huge on him, but they were comfortable enough for now.

Tillman returned a few minutes later. “He’s on it.”

“Good.” Laith leaned back against the counter, wishing he could take away the pain in Tillman’s eyes. “Hey,” he said softly.

Tillman looked at him, his eyes haunted. “I should have protected you better.”

Laith crossed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around Tillman’s waist. “You did everything you could.” He winced as Tillman hugged him back. “Oof.”

Tillman loosened his hold. “Sorry. I forget my own strength sometimes.”

Laith chuckled. “It’s okay.” He tilted his chin up to kiss him softly. “You saved my life tonight, Tillman. That’s all that matters.”

Tillman growled, a possessive sound that sent shivers through Laith. “Never again. I won’t let anyone else hurt you.”

“You can’t watch me twenty-four-seven.”

“I know,” Tillman said. “But dammit, I’ll try.”

They stood there, in each other’s arms, simply breathing for a while. Laith had never felt safer or more loved than he did in that moment with Tillman. He sighed contentedly, resting his head on Tillman’s chest. Tonight, they had faced danger together and emerged stronger for it. The knowledge warmed him to his bones.

Tillman kissed Laith’s forehead. “Come on. Let’s get some sleep.”

They crawled into bed, exhausted from the night’s events but also from the emotional turmoil they’d endured. Tillman drew Laith close and held him tightly as if he were afraid to let go again.

Laith understood that feeling all too well as he clung to his mate while drifting off to sleep.
