Page 28 of Sweet Refuge

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When did you get so damn paranoid? Laith wasn’t sure, but he still refused to admit that Daniel had broken his heart.

“I haven’t really seen much of the town,” Laith admitted.

“Let me guess,” Daniel replied. “You’ve been stuck in your apartment getting your work done. Dude, there’s more to life than your laptop.”

Laith wanted to say that he hadn’t seen much of the town because he’d been recovering from the beating he’d suffered through. A beating that was partially Daniel’s fault. He decided to take the high road.

“You don’t know me that well.” It almost felt like old times, before their disastrous attempt at dating. Back when they were just friends, able to sit together without the weight of expectations.

“I’m shocked Tillman let you out, and near me, nonetheless.” They walked toward the diner, which wasn’t far from The Sugar Well. “How’d you bribe him?”

“I’m a grown man,” Laith said. “I can come and go as I please. And I might have promised him some things I’m not going into detail about.”

Daniel burst out laughing. “Sex is always a good weapon.”

“More like a promise,” Laith corrected while he blushed. “Anyway, I’m gonna get back to the candy shop.”

“Is that a euphemism?” Daniel winked.

Laith shoved at him as he chuckled. “You’re the worst.”

“Seriously.” Daniel touched Laith’s arm. “Call me if you have any more problems. We might not be a couple any longer, but I was being honest when I said I still care about you.”

“Okay.” Though Laith wasn’t sure that he would call Daniel. He had Tillman, his mate—the biggest, baddest threat in Midnight Falls.

Chapter Nine

As he walked through the door of the candy shop, Laith was greeted by the rich, sweet smells of chocolate, caramel, and sugared candies. Tillman stood behind the counter, his large frame barely contained by the small shop.

“Everything go all right with Daniel?” Tillman asked, a hint of growl in his voice. As a bear shifter, he was naturally protective and possessive of his mate. At least that was what Tillman had told him.

“Yeah, it was fine,” Laith replied dismissively. “He just wanted to know about the hunters and warn me again about his father.”

Tillman’s eyes narrowed. “You believe that’s all it was?”

Laith busied himself straightening a display of lollipops to avoid meeting Tillman’s gaze. “I don't know. Maybe?” He sighed. “I want to believe he’s telling the truth,’s Daniel. I don’t fully trust him.”

Tillman came around the counter and drew Laith into a comforting embrace. Laith relaxed against his mate’s broad chest, the familiar woodsy scent soothing him.

“You’ve got good instincts, baby. If you feel like something’s off with him, listen to that,” Tillman rumbled. “I meant what I said about throwing him off a cliff if he tries anything.”

Laith chuckled. “My big, bad protector.” He craned his neck to brush a kiss over Tillman’s bearded jaw. “I love you.”

Those words had just flown out of Laith’s mouth. He hadn’t even known he was going to say them until they’d escaped. He stared wide-eyed at Tillman. “I meant olive juice.”

“Olive juice?” One of Tillman’s brows hiked up. “I already know that trick. When you mouth olive juice, it looks like you’re saying I love you. I’m not deaf, Laith. I heard what you said.”

Laith winced. “Too soon?”

“Not at all. Honestly, I love you too.” Tillman gave him a little squeeze before releasing him. “Now come help me dip some chocolate strawberries before the afternoon rush starts.”

As he assisted Tillman in the kitchen, Laith felt the tension ease from his shoulders. Whatever Daniel’s motivations, Laith knew he was safe here with Tillman. He also couldn’t believe he’d just blurted that out then tried to lamely cover it up.

Thankfully Tillman hadn’t made a big deal out of the confession, which Laith was grateful for.

Laith smiled as he dipped the strawberries in melted chocolate, sneaking a few bites when Tillman’s back was turned. It felt good being here in the cozy candy kitchen, the rich scents enveloping him. For the first time in a long while, he felt at peace.

After they finished prepping a batch of chocolate-dipped treats, Tillman wrapped his arms around Laith from behind and nuzzled his neck. Laith leaned back into the embrace, savoring the warmth and strength of his mate’s body.
