Page 30 of Sweet Refuge

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The drive seemed to last for hours, but it was only twenty tense quiet minutes before they pulled up to a small cabin. It blended seamlessly into its surroundings, almost invisible until you were right on top of it. Laith breathed a sigh of relief.

For now, they were safe.

* * * *

Tillman didn’t like this one bit. Things were too rushed, with no time to sit and think for a moment. He’d simply locked up and jumped into his truck, trusting Daniel when Tillman didn’t trust the demon one bit.

The cabin was small, but cozy. There were two bedrooms and a shared bathroom, with the living room and kitchen being an open floorplan. There were plenty of windows, which was both an advantage and disadvantage.

The pantry was also stocked, as if Daniel’s family came here often because of the father’s rage. Tillman also didn’t like running. He liked facing threats head-on, but that was before he was mated. Now he had someone else to consider, his mate’s safety to keep in mind.

He hated the way it made him feel, running instead of fighting. There was guilt too. As a shifter, he’d never been forced to run from danger before. He wasn’t used to backing down. It actually pissed him off.

Laith’s voice cut through his thoughts. “You okay?”

Tillman nodded, stepping through the doorway. “Yeah, just need to get cleaned up.”

Laith walked behind him into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. As Tillman started washing his face, he could see Laith’s reflection in the mirror. His face was pale and gaunt. He looked like he hadn’t gotten much sleep since the night before.

“You need to rest,” Tillman said, worry lacing his voice.

Laith shook his head. “I’m fine. I want to be alert if he shows up.”

Tillman sighed. “I’m not going to let him near you.”

Laith smiled weakly. “I know, but even if I did lie down, there’s no way I could sleep.”

Tillman finished washing and turned to face Laith. He cupped his face in his hands and leaned in close. “We’re going to get through this. I promise.”

Laith nodded, his eyes shimmering with tears. “I know we will.”

Tillman held Laith close, feeling the rapid beating of his mate’s heart against his chest. He couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to him. The guilt and fear threatened to consume him, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the present moment.

They needed to rest, to regroup. He led Laith to one of the bedrooms, and they both collapsed onto the bed, still fully clothed. Tillman wrapped his arms around Laith, holding him tightly as if trying to shield him from the world’s dangers.

Contrary to what his mate said in the bathroom, Laith’s breathing evened out as he drifted off to sleep. Tillman remained awake, his mind racing with thoughts of how to protect his mate. He knew they couldn’t stay here forever, but for now, this small cabin in the forest was their sanctuary.

As the hours passed, Tillman’s eyelids grew heavy, and he eventually succumbed to sleep. But even in his dreams, he couldn’t escape the feeling of danger lurking just beyond the cabin walls.

When Tillman awoke, it was dark outside. He carefully disentangled himself from Laith’s embrace and made his way to the kitchen. He needed coffee, and he needed it now. As the machine brewed, he looked out the window into the darkness, scanning for any signs of danger.

Daniel appeared in the doorway, looking exhausted but determined. “We need to talk,” he said quietly, so as not to wake Laith.

Tillman nodded and followed Daniel into the living room. “What is it?” he asked, his voice low and guarded.

“I have a plan,” Daniel said, pacing back and forth across the room. “We can’t stay here forever. We need to confront my father and end this once and for all.”

Tillman frowned. “That’s risky,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. “We don’t know what he’s capable of.”

“I know,” Daniel said, stopping in front of Tillman. “But we can’t let him keep chasing us. We need to fight back.”

“What kind of powers does your dad have?” Laith asked.

“He can wield electricity,” Daniel replied. “We just have to dodge anything he aims at us.”

Tillman considered Daniel’s words for a moment before nodding in agreement. “Fine,” he said. “But we do this my way.”

Did he trust Daniel? Fuck no. Tillman was looking for an ulterior motive. There had to be one.
