Page 31 of Sweet Refuge

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Daniel raised an eyebrow. “Your way?”

Tillman nodded. “Yes. I have some experience dealing with threats like this. We’ll need to gather our strength and prepare for a fight. But we won’t be alone. I have allies who will help us.”

“Allies?” Daniel asked, surprised.

Tillman nodded again. “Yes. Other shifters who owe me favors. They’ll be happy to help take down a threat like your father.”

Daniel looked skeptical but didn’t argue. “All right. What’s the plan?”

Tillman explained his strategy, detailing how they would gather their allies and launch a surprise attack on Daniel’s father, neutralizing him before he had a chance to use his powers. It wouldn’t be easy, but Tillman was confident in their chances of success.

As they talked, Laith woke up and joined them, looking refreshed. Together, the three of them finalized their plan, each contributing their own ideas and strengths to the effort.

When they were finished, Tillman felt a sense of determination settle over him. He was ready to face this threat head-on and protect his mate. He knew the danger they were up against, but he also knew that, with their combined strength and determination, they could win this.

Just as Tillman headed for the door, the lights in the cabin went out.

“I think he found us,” Daniel whispered. “We’re too late for your plan.”

So much for them gathering allies. It was too late to call anyone. They were on their own.

Tillman cursed as he reached for Laith. He could see perfectly in the dark, taking his mate’s hand in his as he looked around. Demons could move through shadows. Every light in the cabin was out.

“You would be correct,” a voice said from behind Tillman. “I have found you, so hand over Laith.”

Chapter Ten

Just the sight of Sheriff Brighton again made Laith freeze in place. Only, this reunion was ten times worse because Laith now knew that the guy was actually a demon.

Laith tightened his grip on Tillman’s hand as Cade stepped into the dim light of the cabin, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Laith said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Daniel stepped forward, putting himself between Laith and the sheriff. “You can’t have him, Father,” Daniel said, his voice filled with determination. “Laith had nothing to do with this.”

Cade laughed, a cold sound that sent chills through Laith. “You think you can stop me, boy?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. “He’s the reason you’re defying me. He started this rebellious streak in you.”

“I’m responsible for my own actions!” Daniel argued. “Maybe look at yourself if you want someone to blame.”

Laith had never seen Daniel stand up to his father before. He was damn proud of his friend, even if he feared Daniel’s defiance would get him badly hurt.

Tillman shifted into his bear form, towering over Cade. He let out a low growl, warning the demon to back off.

Cade sneered, not intimidated in the least. “Fine, we’ll do this the hard way,” he said, raising his hand toward Tillman.

Laith watched in horror as a bolt of energy shot from the demon’s hand, striking Tillman and sending him crashing to the ground. Laith rushed to Tillman’s side, checking for wounds. Thankfully, the bear seemed to be unharmed but was clearly stunned by the attack.

Daniel lunged at his father, but Cade was too quick, dodging Daniel’s attack and retaliating with another blast of energy. Daniel cried out in pain as he was thrown across the room, crashing into a wall with a sickening thud.

Laith knew they were outmatched. He looked around desperately for something he could use as a weapon. He spotted the fireplace and grabbed a poker, charging toward the demon, swinging it with all his might. Cade easily dodged the attack, but Laith kept swinging, forcing the demon to keep dodging and buying time for Tillman to recover.

Finally, Tillman shook off the effects of the shock and rose to his feet, roaring with rage. Cade turned toward him just as Tillman charged forward, slamming into him with enough force to send them both crashing through a nearby window.

Laith rushed to Daniel’s side, helping him to his feet as they watched Tillman and Cade battle it out in the darkness outside. The sounds of snarling and growling filled the air as Tillman fought with everything he had.

Laith felt helpless as he watched from inside the cabin. But he knew that he couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. He grabbed a lantern and lit it before rushing outside to join in the fight. He swung the lantern at the demon, catching him off guard as Tillman took advantage of the distraction to deliver a blow that sent Cade flying back into the darkness of the forest.

Breathing heavily, Tillman rested on the ground as Daniel stood there with his jaw dropped. “That…was…intense.”

“Is he…is he gone?” Laith asked as he looked around. All he could see was darkness, but he was looking for those glowing eyes.
