Page 32 of Sweet Refuge

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“Hardly,” Daniel replied.

He was right. The demon emerged from the darkness, his hands held out at his sides, snarling at all three of them.

Cade’s eyes glowed with a menacing light, and Laith just knew they were toast. Tillman shifted back to his human form, his eyes filled with a fierce determination. “We can’t let him take you, Laith.”

Laith couldn’t have agreed more. He didn’t want the demon anywhere near him. He gripped the poker tightly in his hand, ready to swing it if he had to. Daniel stepped forward, standing right next to them.

“We’ll fight him together,” Daniel said, his voice steady and strong.

Well, that answered Laith’s question of whether or not Daniel was playing them. It was clear he wasn’t. When this was over, Laith owed Daniel an apology. Maybe. Or he would call them even since Daniel hadn’t lifted a finger to stop those men from beating the crap out of him in Arrowvale.

Cade laughed, a cold and sinister sound that echoed through the forest. “You three are no match for me,” he sneered, raising his hand toward them.

But before he could unleash another blast of energy, Tillman charged forward, tackling the demon to the ground. Laith and Daniel followed suit, raining blows down on Cade as he struggled to fight back.

Cade was stronger than any of them, but together, they managed to overpower him. With a final effort, they pinned him to the ground, and Tillman held him there, his eyes dark with rage.

“You went after my mate,” Tillman growled, his voice low and menacing.

The demon glared up at him, his eyes burning with rage. “I’ll never stop hunting him.”

Laith shouted and turned his head, Daniel grabbing him and shielding him as Tillman ripped the demon’s heart out. The sound alone made Laith want to vomit as he dropped the poker to the ground.

“We did it,” Daniel said, his voice filled with awe.

“Aren’t you upset?” Laith asked. “He might have been evil, but he was your father.”

“I never held any love for him,” Daniel said. “He’s made my life a living hell for a very long time.” He looked around. “My family should have never needed this cabin in the first place.”

Laith nodded, feeling a sense of overwhelming gratitude toward Tillman and Daniel. He knew that they had only survived because of their teamwork and bravery.

“Thank you,” he said, looking at Tillman and Daniel in turn. “I don’t know what I would have done without you two.”

Tillman pulled Laith into a tight hug, pressing his face into Laith’s neck. Laith clung to him, glad this was over and they could finally be at peace. He never thought he could love someone as much as he loved his bear. Tillman was everything to him. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, cub,” Tillman whispered.

“Not bad for a bear, a human, and someone with pitiful water powers,” Daniel said. “Not bad at all.”

Laith smiled. “We managed to fumble through it.”

Daniel looked Tillman over. “Please put some clothes on before I have to poke my own eyes out.”

“Hey!” Liath jumped in front of his mate. “No looking at my boo’s groin.”

“Boo?” Tillman smirked. “I think I like that.”

“And I’d like it if you found something to cover yourself,” Laith huffed. “I don’t want your bits and pieces swinging in the wind.”

Daniel threw his head back and laughed. “I really did miss you.”

Tillman growled.

Laith smiled, feeling as if all was finally right with the world. “You’re more than welcome to take over my apartment.” He turned to Tillman. “If that’s okay. I was thinking we can make me living in your house permanent.”

“You don’t even have to ask,” Tillman said to Laith. “I already considered you a permanent fixture there.”

“I appreciate the offer,” Daniel said to Laith, “but I think I might want to explore the world for a while. I finally have my freedom, and I don’t plan on wasting it.”
