Page 33 of Sweet Refuge

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As sad as Laith was to see Daniel leave, he knew how the guy felt. Laith finally had his freedom, too, and he planned on finally being himself in Midnight Falls, a town he now considered his home.

He had his mate, his work, and a town to explore. He also wanted to go back to his and Tillman’s spot on that rocky outcropping and have a night together that didn’t involve hunters. He wasn’t sure if they’d seen the last of them, since they lived in a small town where humans would want to hunt, but for now, Laith was more than content with his life.

He'd never been happier, thanks to his teddy bear.

* * * *

“Are you sure you want me to move in?” Laith asked since this was the first time he’d ever moved in with anyone. He’d never had a roommate before, let alone lived with a guy he was head over heels in love with. It was exciting and frightening, and Laith expected to wake up to find out this was only a dream. No one should be this deliriously happy.

“I wouldn’t have agreed if I didn’t want you here,” Tillman pointed out. “Why, am I making you feel like I don’t want you here?”

“No.” Laith shook his head. “I’m just getting used to living with someone else.”

“We just have to get used to each other.” Tillman pulled Laith close and kissed his neck. “There’s nowhere else I would want you to be, sweetheart.”

Moving in with Tillman was a big step, and he’d second-guessed his decision every five minutes. Tillman had turned the downstairs bedroom into Laith’s office. His mate had bent over backward to make his home feel like Laith’s home, too.

But Laith still felt like this was some strange dream, that Tillman was too good for him and one day the bear would wake up and realize what a huge mistake he’d made mating him.

What surprised Laith the most was Daniel’s friendship. If possible, they’d become closer, calling each other all the time while Daniel was out exploring the world.

Even Tillman was coming around to Daniel. Tillman no longer snarled at the mention of Daniel’s name. Laith wasn’t sure if Tillman would ever fully embrace demons, but at least he was acting civil toward Daniel.

“Okay, let’s compromise.” Tillman held up his hands. “We can decorate the house any way you want so you can feel like it’s your home, too.”

Tillman’s willingness to compromise went a long way in helping Laith to adjust to his new arrangement.

“I know I’m being difficult right now,” he finally confessed.

Tillman closed the distance and cupped Laith’s face. “Talk to me, sweetheart.”

Laith sighed and told Tillman about his insecurities. “I know that sounds stupid because we’re already mated, but I can’t help it. I’ve never lived with anyone before, and I’m nervous.”

Tillman didn’t chastise or ridicule him for feeling that way. He simply held Laith in his arms and hugged him. “You’re my entire world, Laith. I love you, and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”

Tillman gripped Laith’s hips and pulled him closer. Laith loved when Tillman got all handsy with him. It was a real turn-on. “I want to bury my cock inside of you,” Tillman said into Laith’s ear.

Laith sucked in a breath. He wasn’t sure he’d ever stop blushing when Tillman talked dirty. Tillman took a step back, and his gaze swept over Laith. “Take off your clothes.” His voice was low and hard, making Laith shiver.

Laith did as his mate demanded, Tillman undressing with him. Laith would never stop being in awe of his mate’s flawless body. It was hard, muscled, and made Laith’s cock drool.

Tillman hooked his hand behind Laith’s head and drew him closer. Their cocks brushed together as Tillman took his mouth in a deep, desperate kiss. Their tongues twined before Laith sucked on Tillman’s tongue, knowing how much that turned his mate on.

“I want you so badly,” Tillman said when he pulled back.

“I want you, too.” Laith gave him a teasing smile. “Show me how much you love me.”

Tillman never left Laith wanting when they came together. In fact, Laith’s mate always went out of his way to make sure Laith was boneless by the time it was over.

With a sly smirk, Tillman shoved Laith backward. Laith landed on the couch cushions, and then Tillman pounced. Laith lay on his back, staring up into his mate’s gorgeous face. God, he loved this man so much.

Tillman leaned back and teased one of Laith’s nipples. Laith hissed and moaned. Tillman knew just how sensitive Laith’s nipples were.

His mate smiled. “You like that?”

“You know I do.”

Laith ran his hands through Tillman’s hair, wiggling under him. His cock was so hard it hurt. Tillman was just as hard, his pre-cum leaking onto Laith’s stomach. Laith swiped his hand through the moisture then curled his fingers around Tillman’s cock, slowly stroking him.
