Page 5 of Sweet Refuge

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“Hilarious.” Laith chuckled. “He didn’t miss a beat.”

As they continued to eat, Laith noticed the way Tillman’s muscles rippled with each movement. It was almost mesmerizing. Laith had never met anyone quite like Tillman before. He was kind, funny, and had a body that most men would kill for.

“So, Laith,” Tillman said, breaking the silence, “what made you move to Midnight Falls?”

Laith shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “I just needed a change of pace, I guess.”

He refused to elaborate any further. One, his past was too damn painful. Two, he didn’t want Tillman to know that he was gay. Laith knew that was an irrational fear since he was in a new town, but he’d only been attacked two weeks ago and that fear still held him hostage.

“Ah, and the mystery deepens,” Tillman said.

“What mystery?” Laith asked. “I needed a change of scenery. End of story.”

“Okay.” Tillman nodded. “I get it. No talking about what brought you here.”

Not if Laith wanted to stay in Midnight Falls. Not if he didn’t want to get chased out of another town.

Chapter Two

After dinner, Laith went home. He thoroughly enjoyed his time with Tillman, but he was still trying to pull his life out of the wreckage.

He didn’t need to fall for someone that was off-limits to him, but that wouldn’t stop him from letting Tillman star in his fantasies later. He was a bear of a man, and that turned Laith on.

Now that he was back upstairs, Laith tried to focus on the computer screen in front of him, but his mind kept wandering back to Tillman. There was just something magnetic about the man that he found irresistible.

He thought about Tillman’s warm smile and easygoing nature. How he’d made Laith laugh more in one evening than he’d laughed in months. There was a kindness in Tillman’s eyes that drew Laith in.

And then there was his body. Laith felt his cheeks flush as he remembered the way Tillman’s muscles flexed beneath his shirt. He was built like a brick house and exuded a rugged masculinity that set Laith’s heart racing.

But it was more than just physical attraction. Laith felt comfortable with Tillman in a way he hadn’t with anyone in a long time. Like he could open up and be himself without fear of judgment. It was dangerous to let his guard down, but everything inside him wanted to get closer to Tillman.

With a sigh, Laith pushed the distracting thoughts from his mind. Nothing could happen between them. Tillman was more than likely straight, and Laith needed to keep his secret if he wanted to stay in Midnight Falls. As much as his heart longed for more, Laith would have to be content with keeping Tillman as just a friend.

Ater emailing his friend to say he would take back his work, Laith managed to make some progress on his project. A couple hours later, he sat back and rolled his shoulders, stiff from hunching over the computer. Glancing at the clock, he was surprised to see it was nearly midnight.

A rumbling in his stomach reminded him he hadn’t eaten anything since the burger with Tillman. Laith headed to the kitchen to scrounge up a late-night snack. As he rifled through the fridge, there was a loud thumping sound coming from downstairs.

Frowning, Laith closed the fridge and strained to hear the sound again. When he didn’t, he walked to the living room and looked out his window. As far as he could see, the streets were quiet. It was possible he was just hearing things.

He turned, ready to go back to the fridge, when he heard something crash. He knew he’d heard something this time. Without thought, Laith exited his apartment and headed down the stairs. It wasn’t until he stood at the bottom, ready to spill out onto the street that he wondered what the hell he was doing.

What if it was a burglar? Would someone rob a candy store? Vandals? Laith wasn’t sure, but he knew that Tillman loved his shop, took pride in it, and he’d be damned if he allowed anyone to wreck it.

He would just take a peek. If it was vandals, he’d call the cops, which was what he should be doing right now.

Laith cautiously approached the front of the store, peering through the large glass window. At first glance, everything seemed to be in order. The colorful displays of candy lined the shelves, and nothing appeared disturbed.

As he moved closer, squinting to see into the darker corners of the shop, a large shadow suddenly darted across the back wall. Laith jumped back, heart racing. There was definitely someone inside.

He weighed his options. His phone was still upstairs, so calling the cops wasn’t an immediate possibility. Confronting the intruder head-on seemed dangerous. But he couldn’t bring himself to just walk away either.

Taking a deep breath, Laith slowly tried the front door. Unlocked. The bell jingled slightly as he eased the door open just enough to slip inside. Moving as silently as possible, he crept through the aisles, scanning for any signs of movement.

A loud crash rang out from the direction of the storage room, followed by a string of muffled curses. Adrenaline pumping, Laith grabbed a large candy cane off a nearby display and cautiously approached the back.

Peering around the corner, he saw a huge figure rummaging through boxes, shrouded in shadows. Gripping the candy cane like a weapon, Laith called out, “Hey! Stop right there!”

The figure wheeled around, eyes flashing in the dim light. Laith stumbled back with a startled gasp.
