Page 7 of Sweet Refuge

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Laith’s mouth went dry as he became keenly aware of the heat of Tillman’s palm against his skin. He managed a shaky smile. “Of course. Anytime.”

Tillman released him reluctantly. Long after Laith had left the shop and settled into bed, his wrist still tingled where Tillman had touched him.

Laith lay there, staring up at the ceiling as he replayed the night’s events in his mind. No matter how he tried, he couldn’t stop thinking about the charged moment he and Tillman had shared. There was something new and intriguing in the way Tillman had looked at him, something that made Laith’s pulse quicken when he recalled it.

He thought back to the feeling of Tillman’s large hand encircling his wrist, so gentle despite its strength. The imprint of Tillman’s touch seemed to linger on his skin. Laith lifted his arm, running his fingers over where Tillman had held him, imagining he could still feel the warmth.

What did it mean? Laith didn’t want to assume anything or read too much into it. But he couldn’t deny his growing feelings for the kind shop owner either. Behind Tillman’s imposing exterior, Laith had glimpsed a sweet soul, someone who cared deeply.

He thought of Tillman’s broad shoulders and rugged features. Laith had always preferred men who were a bit rough around the edges, and Tillman was certainly that. But he was so much more too. Laith felt he had only scratched the surface of who Tillman truly was.

But should he even try to see where this was going? Was Laith really a glutton for punishment? He’d been run out of town by Daniel’s father. Was he willing to have a mob come after him because he’d fallen for his landlord?

Laith wasn’t sure what he should do.

As exhaustion finally began creeping in, his swirling thoughts settled on one certainty—he wanted to see Tillman again, to unravel more of his mysteries and understand this new dynamic that was unfolding between them. Tomorrow, he would find an excuse to stop by the shop. Just to say hello. Then he’d see where things went from there.

With the beginnings of a plan taking shape, Laith let his eyes drift closed. He imagined strong arms wrapping around him as he drifted off, holding him close against a broad chest. His dreams that night were filled with tawny eyes and a rugged smile that made his heart race.

Morning seemed far too long in coming.

Chapter Three

Tillman was still in shock that not only had his mate practically fallen into his lap but he was a very sweet guy. It didn’t hurt that Laith was gorgeous, either, with dark hair and intoxicating hazel eyes.

Tillman wanted to know everything there was to know about Laith, only the guy was human and Tillman was a bear shifter. He wasn’t sure if his mate knew about the preternatural world, so Tillman would have to take things slow.

He looked up when the bell above his door jingled and smiled widely when Laith walked in.

“Morning,” Tillman rumbled warmly. “How’d you sleep?”

“Morning,” Laith replied, his own smile spreading across his face. “Pretty well, all things considered. How about you?”

“Can’t complain. The place is still standing, so that’s a win in my book,” Tillman said with a chuckle.

They fell into easy conversation as Laith helped him open the shop for the day. He found himself looking for any excuse to brush against Laith as they worked, heart quickening whenever their hands met.

He wanted his mate to know he was interested without being too obvious. Though Tillman was trying to be subtle, he could sense a new energy between them, one of cautious flirtation and growing attraction.

Tillman wondered if he should say something, make a bolder move, but he didn’t want to spook Laith. For now. he would take it slowly and enjoy the thrill of this dance as they circled closer. There would be a right moment to take the next step, though his heart already felt ready.

Tillman tried to focus on his work, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Laith. Having his mate here in the shop with him felt right in a way nothing else ever had. He found himself stealing glances at Laith whenever he could, admiring the way the morning sunlight brought out the different hues in his dark hair and made his fair skin glow.

“I guess you’re ready to open,” Laith said as he looked around. “I should probably get out of your hair.”

“Nonsense.” Tillman waved off Laith. “You can hang here as long as you want. I like your company.”

“Then I’m running to the diner and grabbing us some breakfast and coffee,” Laith said. “If you really want me to stick around, I can do some work in your office. To be honest, I don’t want to sit in my apartment on such a nice day.”

Tillman didn’t point out that Laith had just offered to sit inside. He liked having his mate close to him, helping him in small ways that enabled them to spend time together.

“Coffee and breakfast sound perfect,” Tillman rumbled approvingly. “Just let me know how much I owe you.”

“It’s on me today,” Laith insisted. “Consider it a thank-you for everything you’ve done. I really appreciate you letting me hang around.”

Tillman’s heart swelled at the gesture. Having his mate want to provide for him, even in this small way, made his bear preen.

“Well, in that case, I won’t argue.” He chuckled. “Though I still say you being here is thanks enough.”
