Page 20 of Stealing My Ex

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But then he started mentioning her in a flattering light more and more and getting increasingly annoyed with me when I said something derogatory about her. I didn’t even see it then; I thought it was just the guilt talking, something I had been warned about in my favorite forum.

So, I was patient, not realizing that my patience just afforded her time to get her hooks back into him again. Now he was with her, in her house, in her bed after taking the vacation that should’ve been mine.

I flung the journal across the room where it smashed into the wall. At least it got my parents to shut up for a few seconds. Their constant bickering reminded me of everything I hated about my childhood. I wanted to yell at them to shut the fuck up, but I needed a roof over my head.

I curled into a ball, feeling lost and alone. I haven’t felt sorry for myself since I became an adult and made my own way in life. Now, here I was, twenty-seven years old, just three years away from thirty, and the last three years of my life had been wasted.

I’d given him the best years of my life, from twenty-four to twenty-seven. Those are the years most women are settling down. When I look at my old schoolmates’ socials, they’ve all moved on and are living happy lives that look pretty much like Justin and Callie’s once did.

And me, what do I have to show for it? Nothing, not even a job. Unless I move away, my career is pretty much over, but if I move away, how will I ever see Justin again? I can’t do that; I have to at least try one last time to get him back, even if it takes forever.

I brushed away the silent tears that fell as I opened my phone and went to her social media page. It was the closest I’ve been able to get to Justin in weeks. How had it come to this? It wouldn’t have been so bad if I hadn’t been foolish enough to fall in love with him. I would’ve taken the loss and moved on somehow.

But how was I supposed to do that now that he owned my heart? How was I supposed to live without him? A little voice in my head whispered that this was exactly what I had done to Callie, but I shushed it and closed off that line of thought. Why should I care about her?


My tummy was starting to show, and I had more cravings and demands than in all my other pregnancies combined. Justin was on call twenty-four-seven, but I was sure to keep it outside of working hours. If he noticed how convenient that was, he never mentioned it; he was just happy to be let back in.

I still made him leave most nights, but he was staying over more and more these days. When I no longer had to hide my morning sickness, he was very hands-on, to the point I had to lock him out of the bathroom so I could throw up in peace. I don’t recall him being this attentive during my other three pregnancies.

He must’ve mentioned marriage six times a day in the first six months of pregnancy and ramped up the crazy coming on to the last couple of weeks when he thought I was at my weakest. Unbeknownst to him, the nights I made him leave were the nights I took out my playbook to remind myself why I was doing this.

He had no idea that I was still in love with him because I wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice, but he couldn’t go ten minutes without professing his love and pleading for forgiveness. I quake each time one of my kids looks me in the eye and asks why Daddy can’t stay. He’s there in the mornings when they wake up, so I don’t see what the problem is. That jackass has been getting into their heads with his nonsense, but I refuse to cave.

My mother-in-law is the only one on my side, apparently, because everyone else seems to think I should forgive and forget. I might forgive him, but no one has yet to show me how the hell I’m supposed to forget that he had a whole-ass affair while I was home raising his kids and keeping his home clean.

Now he’s running around like a husband when all he is, is my fuck buddy. I mentioned that to him once, his new title in my life, and he tried to fuck me into the ether. If not for my big belly getting in the way, who knows what else he would’ve tried to do to me with his dick.

I wasn’t bothered because the more pregnant I am, the hornier I become, so from that day on, I’d torment him with either updates on Tim or reminding him that he wasn’t my husband and had no say in anything I chose to do.

I’ve disappeared a couple more weekends throughout my pregnancy just to make him mental, and it’s been working like a charm. Because he thinks he’s in competition, he’s been going an extra ten miles in everything he does. If I had known that this was all it took, I would’ve had an imaginary boyfriend a long time ago.

As for the cheating fuck bucket he left me for, she’s still on her shit, stalking my socials every damn day like she has nothing better to do. Last month, she showed up at his job again and was turned away by security. One of the employees sent me a video of her losing her shit in the parking lot, and she didn’t look so good.

Someone posted the video online, and I anonymously asked in the comments if the silicone in her tits was leaking; she looked a hot mess. That started a whole conversation going about what else on her was fake. Now, when I say someone posted it I wasn’t being completely honest. I know damn good, and well who posted it.

You see, when it looked like she wouldn’t stop driving by my house and I was getting too big to throw hands if it came to that, I had to find other ways to deal with her. I’m not sure why I hadn’t thought of it sooner, maybe because I was never that interested in her life, but I decided to do some digging into her past and who she was before she became the twat-waffle that interrupted my life. She was so good at that shit I knew there had to be other victims out there.

It was like falling into the deep end of the abyss, let me tell you. It wasn’t as hard as you would imagine, given the lengths she’d gone to to distance herself from her past. What she didn’t count on, I guess, was that although she had changed her last name to her mother’s maiden name, there was still a connection.

I knew where she went to college from her work transcript, which I only had to ask to receive because of my friends in HR, and I took it from there. I wasn’t interested in her academics; I wanted the scoop, so I found others who were there at the same time, visited their socials, and reached out as innocently as I could.

It took weeks but it wasn’t long before I was getting into the meat of this thing. My life wasn’t the first she fucked over, and I found at least two other women who still remembered what she’d done to them and were only too happy to dish the dirt. It was one of these women who posted the video after I shared it with her.

Look, I’m not into bullying anyone, but I hate this woman worse than poison, so I’m not too bent out of shape about it. I shared the video as a way to give those women some of their own back, but the results were even greater than expected, and I don’t mean the comments that her past classmates made to shame her.

Someone from her hometown got wind of the post somehow, and that’s where the real fun began. I was contacted privately and given the whole story along with pictures, and let’s just say she looked nothing like she does now back then, even though she’s looking kind of rough these days.

I was only too happy to share these images with Justin so he could see who he left me for. The real her, not the plastic version she’d presented to him, but I didn’t stop there. To add insult to injury, I sent the images to his phone, unblocked her number, and sent them to her, asking, ‘Is this really you?’ Then I texted her from my phone with the same image and laughing emojis. I haven’t heard from her since.

Her ass is still being dragged for filth all over social media, and now her high school victims and college casualties were teaming up in an online forum made just for her. I couldn’t have planned it better myself, but I was too busy with my aching back and kids who wanted all the attention I had to give.

Every once in a while, when I needed a break, I’d mention Tim and run away for the weekend, but I was getting too big for that now, and besides, Justin wouldn’t let me go anywhere without him.

He's tied my shoes, made me breakfast in bed, and didn’t say a word when I hired the babysitter full-time and let his mom off the hook. What was he going to say? He didn’t live there, though he was the one paying for her with the adjusted child support.

That’s right as if he wasn’t paying enough, I needed more money to pay for the babysitter. If he thought it was coming out of my pocket he had another thing coming. He paid and paid very well without saying a peep.
