Page 6 of Stealing My Ex

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She puffed up like a blowfish and stomped her ass over to me. “Step back.”

“This isn’t your place; it’s public property, and I can go where I want.”

“Suit yourself, but a TRO is as easy for me to get in this town as a trespass.”

“Where’s Justin? He didn’t come home last night.” You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Where did this inbred ingrate get the audacity?

“He’s with his kids last I checked.”

“You think I don’t know you’re using your kids to get him back? You probably turned his phone off when he got there, too, didn’t you?” I smirked at her because she had yet to look away from my hickey. I wish she would twist her mouth to ask me where I got it, but on the other hand, now was not the time.

If it was, I would’ve told her that her man was at home in my bed laid the fuck out after I put it on him this morning with the kids keeping him company while he recuperated. Speaking of which, I’m gonna have to curtail their TV time next week because they’ve watched way too much in the last two days.

She rambled on about some shit, but I walked away in the middle of her tirade because I had shit to do. Of course, she followed, ranting and raving like a lunatic. It must be eating her up inside that she couldn’t reach him. I remember what that felt like.

She couldn’t go to my place without getting arrested, and I made sure his phone was not only off, which he did himself, but I blocked her number before I left the house just in case he turned it back on. From the looks of it, he hadn’t contacted her, so I guess he didn’t want to talk to her any damn way.

“I’m talking to you.” Touch me, please, I beg you. She had enough sense not to go there and I turned with my hand on my tummy protectively and gave her the wide eyes. “I’m sorry, I need to go; I have to throw up.” Only from seeing your face but you can make of it what you will.

I made a hasty exit as she’d just given me a great idea. I rushed through the rest of my errands and headed back home with all the trappings for a nice Sunday meal.

Justin got very excited when I mentioned it to him upon my return, and I got busy making a nice roast with all the trimmings. I posted that shit on my socials and had a million questions from friends and family alike in the first five minutes.

Everyone wanted to know if that was really Justin in the pictures and if it was new or an old throwback. I showed my ass but good, once again making sure my hickey was on full display. One of them, anyway. The others were in places not fit for polite company.

Of course, I was coy with my answers, especially when the subject of reconciliation came up. But my mother-in-law came through like she always does. ‘Now, this is what I like to see, a family around the dinner table. My one and only daughter-in-law. You’re glowing sweetheart.’ Knowing that my stalker was bound to see that shit and crap herself made my damn day.

I told you I’m a messy bitch; I lapped it all up and didn’t mention a word to him about seeing her in town; I’ll save that little tidbit for later. He wasn’t looking like he wanted to leave at the end of the night, and since I knew she was halfway to crazy by now, I didn’t push.

I put him to work on making baby number four throughout the night and watched him play dad of the year with my kids in the morning before we both had to leave for work. I wanted him out before my mother-in-law showed up because I wasn’t ready to answer any questions.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall when he got to the office where he was bound to meet hellfire from Daisy Dukes. I wasn’t interested in their mess; I had more pressing matters to tend to. I made a stop at the pharmacy, which I didn’t dare do the day before with him up under my ass.

I think I already knew the answer. I’ve been pregnant three times before, and my period, which you could set a clock by, was three days late. Let the games begin bitch.


Well, what do you know? After a month and some days of running around behind everyone’s back fucking like bunnies, the line turned blue. Did I forget to mention that at about the same time, I was forgetting to take my pills, which I had no need for after the divorce anyway, I was going hard on the folic acid?

I didn’t say anything, of course, because it was early days yet and I wanted two things before I breathed a word. A doctor’s confirmation and to be further along. The way the crazy runs in my life, I don’t want any unforeseen accidents.

I’ll have to check my playbook to brush up on this part of the game. There was a lot to navigate going forward, so I had to prepare. The first thing I did was cut Justin off cold turkey. He was fit to be tied and was having a conniption over my imaginary boyfriend.

I, of course, let him tire himself out because the more time he spent riding my ass, the less time he had for the nut who had taken to running her mouth off on social media and making an ass of herself.

As suspected, she saw my Sunday family dinner post and lost her damn mind. She went ahead and made her own post about old washed-up bitches trying to steal her man. I shared that shit for a good laugh because why the hell not. I’d already got what I wanted, so there wasn’t a damn thing either she or he could do.

I bet it burned her ass the way I shared it because even her friends were throwing shade at her because of the reminder that she was, in fact, the one who had cheated with my husband and was now on social media, crying about me trying to take him back. Now, remember, I said I’m messy. With my new pregnancy under my belt, I decided to stir the pot just a little bit.

I still have friends at Justin’s place of business, people who were in and out of my house for BBQs and cocktail parties over the years, so I took to showing up there unannounced just to say hello like I did in the old days.

Of course, I just had to see him in his office to discuss things about the kids. He was so thirsty since I cut him off that he didn’t seem to notice the embers that were starting to blaze right beneath his nose. Either that, or he didn’t care.

Daisy Dukes was like to swallow her whole damn esophagus every time she saw me enter the building, but she knew better than to follow me into his office, though I became aware the second time I went there that she liked to listen in at closed doors.

Justin never mentioned the problems I was sure they were having to me and he seemed more and more annoyed whenever he wasn’t with me and the kids. He was up to making any excuse in the book to find his ass in my house.

I went back to our strict custody guidelines, barely acknowledging him these last few weeks when he came for pickup, but today, I had something else up my sleeve when I went to his office carrying a suitcase with the clothes he’d left at my place. “What’s all this? Are we going on a trip?” His eyes lit up like he actually thought that was a possibility.
