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“That was everything, Clover. Thank you.”

Who is this man and how did I get so lucky.



The anticipation has been building for weeks, a whirlwind of emotions coursing through my veins. Tonight is the night I finally take the plunge, the night I make my move on Clover, the girl who has captured my heart.

The stars seem to be aligned as the evening unfolds, a gentle breeze carrying the scent of jasmine through the air. The moon casts a soft glow across the terrace where we stand, creating an intimate and romantic atmosphere. The conversation flows effortlessly between us, filled with laughter and shared dreams. With each passing moment, my resolve grows stronger, and I sense that the time is ripe to make my move.

But I know that timing is everything. I need to find the perfect balance between confidence and caution, to ensure that my words and actions convey the depth of my feelings without overwhelming her. I watch for subtle signs, her eyes meeting mine with a hint of longing, her laughter echoing with a touch of sadness. These are the moments I have been waiting for, the moments when I can finally let my heart speak.

As the night reaches its peak, the music swells, and the dance floor comes alive. I gently take Clover’s hand and lead her into the rhythm, our bodies swaying in perfect harmony. It is in this moment, surrounded by the energy of the crowd, that I finally gather the courage to speak my truth.

With trembling hands, I reach into my pocket and retrieve a small velvet box. As I open it, the moonlight reflects off the sparkling diamond, a symbol of the love and commitment I feel for her. I take a deep breath and look into her eyes, pouring all my emotions into that single gaze.

"Clover," I begin, my voice barely above a whisper, "from the moment I first laid eyes on you, my heart has been yours. Your beauty, your intelligence, and your kindness have captivated me in a way I never thought possible. Tonight, I stand before you, filled with love and hope, asking if you would do me the greatest honor of becoming my partner in life.”

Time seems to stand still as Clover stares at me, her eyes wide with surprise and emotion. A tear rolls down her cheek as she reaches out and takes my hand.

"Yes," she whispers, her voice trembling with happiness. "Yes, a thousand times yes."

In that moment, the world around us fades into insignificance. It is just the two of us, our hearts beating as one, our dreams intertwined. The perfect timing has brought us together, and I know that this is the beginning of a love story that will last a lifetime.
