Page 61 of The Liar

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“I know, but earlier when we were talking, I pictured it. I could see what our baby would look like. I imagined what kind of family we would be. This whole picture painted itself in my head and now—” Ava shakes her head with a wordless shrug.

“I’m so sorry.” The apology does nothing to dull the guilt turning over my insides, as though I’ve let her down. Somehow, unintentionally, I’ve failed her. “I’m sorry.”

“Why?” When I shrug, she adds, “You haven’t done anything wrong.”

“There’s nothing I want more than to make you happy, and your disappointment is fucking killing me.” My arm wraps around her tighter as the car comes to a stop outside the underground garage elevator.

“That’s not on you,” she tells me with her hands clutching mine tighter while she brings them to her lips. “I got carried away with the pretty picture. That’s on me. Besides it’s not like having a child together was something we planned or—”

“Why else do we do what we do?” I ask, earning myself a wide, surprised stare from her. “What’s the point in working so damn hard to build a legacy if it’ll just die with us? There’s no point…no reason unless it’s a future for our children.”

Ava gives me that gorgeous smile I can’t get enough of. “Did you picture it too?”

“I picture a lot of things with you. One day, we will live them all. I will give you everything you dream of.” A soft sigh escapes her lips with a wistful flutter of her lashes. “I’ll give you the fucking universe…every fucking star, my beautiful Ava.”

“As amazing as that all sounds…” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to my jaw and then another to my lips while she holds my face between her hands. “I just want you, Damon Coldwell. Only you.” With a light Eskimo kiss, Ava whispers, “I love you.”

Those words from her lips are the best thing I’ve ever heard. I’ll never tire of listening to them or grow used to how incredibly perfect they hit me right in the chest, making my pulse run away with itself, rushing her affection through me in an overwhelming heatwave.

“Blood or no blood, I’m going to make you scream it all night.”

“I’m here for it,” she whispers over my jaw with a whole-body squirm.

“Every time I make you come on my fingers and on my cock. Fuck, I’m going to listen to you say it while I watch you fuck your pussy with your fingers. While you’re begging me for my cock.”

A neat brow hitches, as she pulls a breath away from me. “Is that so?”

“Have I ever gone back on my word?”

With a shake of her head, Ava scoots back along the seat before opening the door and getting out before she leans down and looks into the car. “What are you waiting for, boss man?”

Bossy Ava is sexier than any fantasy I’ve played out in my head. Bossy Ava’s got my deprived cock so hard that it fucking hurts when I follow her out of the car. My tuxedo pants are so tight thanks to my hard-on, that I can’t move fast enough to her in the lift and up to the apartment.

“Come get it, babe,” Ava sings over her shoulder in a sultry tone that gets my cock throbbing more desperately than ever.

“Come get it?”

Spinning to look at me while she walks backwards into the waiting elevator, she gives me a soft grin. Delicate hands, hitch the front slit of her dress open, exposing her long, slender legs in her sky-high pearl embellished fuck-me heels.

“I’ve missed you inside me.”

Damn, this woman is going to be the death of me, and fuck, if I’m not happiest I’ve ever been because of it.

Chapter 24


Thank God for Damon, that’s all I can say. He’s the best distraction, and the worst because the rest of my weekend was spent wrapped up in him rather than work and Warner. Now that Robert’s book is done, I’m focusing on Callum’s. I’m more excited to learn more about him than I thought I’d be. Especially with the way Lacie has spoken of him.

“Knock, knock!” Owen pokes his head into my office. “Look who’s home!”

“Hey, stranger!”

“I should be calling you stranger. You’re never in this office anymore.” He sits in the chair across from me. “But then, you’ve been a busy girl…”

“Don’t you start with your gossip.” I ball up a Post-it note and throw it at his head. “How’s your Oscar winner?” I ask him about his client to deviate him from my business. Not that I don’t like Owen, it’s more that I don’t want to talk to anyone in this place about me and Damon. It makes for awkward gossip, and I’m not into it.

There’s also the fact that I’m still trying to get over the disappointment of getting my period. For the longest time I was second-guessing myself and what I should do. What the right thing to do was, that I got hooked on the idea of having this life inside me. Of something good coming from all these months of pain and hardship. Even now, there’s a nagging voice in my head telling me that the flow is off. The intermittent spotting isn’t my normal, but then again, I’ve never been late. I’m so confused about the conflict inside me, and I can’t shake it off.
