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The conversation grows heavy in my chest. Maybe it’s because she’s right, or perhaps it’s because Leif’s kind nature reminds me of Dad who was always so good to everyone.

“Cassidy, you okay in there?” Leif asks, knocking a little louder.

“Yeah, fine. Just a second.”

I look around for anything I could be doing in the bathroom for so long. Resigning myself to the fact that there isn’t much, I flip on the sink tap and splash water on my face. Taking a couple of cotton pads, I clean off the last of my mascara. Before I put my glasses back on, I look at myself in the mirror. It’s the only time I’m not reminded of how much I look like Dad, when I’m nothing but a blur. The reprieve of looking at a shadow of myself doesn’t last long, and I slip my glasses back on and attempt to tame my knotted hair with my fingers.

“Suni, I’ll call you back tomorrow.”

“Stop overthinking.”

“Stop nagging.”

“It’s only because I love you.”

“Love you more.” Ending the call, I dry my face and open the door to find Leif sitting on the bed.

The tight lines of his worried face make me feel bad for the way I spoke to him earlier. When I sit beside him on the bed, he levels me with a forced smile. His surly mood darkens his eyes to a muddy brown. Still, everything about him is so gorgeous that I’m entranced.

It’s not right for men like him to exist.

“I’m sorry if I upset you before,” he tells me, edging backwards when he twists to face me. His hands grip his leg as he rests his ankle on his knee, the erratic bounce giving away his nerves.

I hate that I’ve made him feel this way around me. We started off so well, and my crazy has ruined everything.

“No, I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that.”

“I can be pushy, so maybe I did.” His smile cuts a little wider. Not enough to make me feel better about our tiff, just enough to allow some of his warmth through.

“Well, since we’re admitting to our flaws,” I say, injecting as much levity as I can into my voice while I focus on the way his stare flits to my lips every time I bite or run the tip of my tongue over it. “I think I’m losing my mind.”

“That’s not a flaw, it’s a state.”

“I promise I’m not normally this crazy.”

Leif chuckles. “I can’t promise I’m not always this forward. However, I can promise that you’re safe with me.”

Nodding, I allow my fingertips to graze his hand. The contact instantly eases the vice around my chest, allowing my lungs to inflate with his spicy scent. It’s wickedly addictive and masculine, clouding my thoughts with my conversation with Suni.

I really must be losing my mind, because when he adjusts himself on the bed, my eyes fall to his crotch. The imprint of his impressive bulge looks bigger than the photo in his skin-tight jeans.

Isn’t black meant to make things appear smaller?

“And I’m not always a massive dick.” At his remark, my eyes dart to his. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

I’m going to kill Suni next time I see her.

“Yeah, just tired and hungry.”

“In that case, will you allow me to feed you before we hit the sack?” Offering me his hand, he gets up and waits for me to take it. “I’ve ordered a nice big serving of coq au vin. Will fill you up nicely and leave you satisfied so you can sleep tight.”

I’m definitely going barmy because all I heard in that sentence was big cock will fill me up, leaving me satisfied. As a result, my cheeks warm, and the sudden heat that pounds through my veins causes beads of sweat to trickle down the back of my neck.

“So, dinner?”

“Sure.” I take his hand, allowing him to pull me to my feet.

“You know,” he croons, lifting our hands in the air and spinning me into him. “You’re just as stunning without the make-up.”
