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“Yes, your fault,” he retorts with a sarcastic tone that is punctuated by his seal-like clapping.

The guy is delusional. “Actually, it’s your fault, buddy.”

“I wasn’t looking where I was going,” Cassidy tells me before she gives him an apology and tries to pull herself from my hold.

I hold on to Cassidy tighter, confused, allowing her to pull me away from the blathering fool. This is some twilight zone shit. I don’t understand how spunky Cassidy can tuck her tail and run like this. That’s not the woman who’s been giving me shit from the moment I met her.

We stop at the edge of the sidewalk, opposite the hotel while we wait for the lights to turn green, and I turn her to face me. Her face is pale, and even though she’s not looking me in the eyes, I can sense her deep-seated distress. Every part of me is desperate to soothe her, and I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her up onto her tiptoes and lowering myself to her level so that we are face to face.

“Why did you apologise to that jerk?” I ask, keeping my voice soft so I don’t add to her upset.

“I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I ran out in front of him.”

“The guy was racing down the frosty path like Evel Knievel. He could’ve hurt you, Cassidy. And to top it off, he had the audacity to insult you.”

How the fuck could I walk away without making him apologise to her? What the fuck is wrong with me?

“Lucky for me, you caught me, and I’m not hurt. I’m fine.” She gives me a soft smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes before she leans in and presses a kiss to my cheek. “You saved me again, Leif McAllister.”

I’m flummoxed by her reaction. It doesn’t correlate with her fiery nature. It doesn’t add up, and that’s got alarm bells going off in my head because I’ve been burnt by a woman before, all because I refused to see past her charm and pretty face and acknowledge all the warning signs that told me I shouldn’t trust her. I can’t do that again.

“Leif,” Cassidy whispers, her cool hand moulding to my face. “Thank you for saving me.”

“Don’t thank me,” I say, my voice flat as my head and my heart war between trust and detachment. “I didn’t do anything special.”

“You caught me.” She gives me a watery smile that erases all reason and thought, replacing them with nothing but the need to staunch her tears.

When Cassidy kisses me, there’s only one response I can give her—I kiss her back. My arms coil tighter around her waist while her hands trail up my arms to my shoulders. With her nails raking up my nape, she hoists herself up my body, wrapping her legs around my waist. I could stand here all afternoon drinking up her breathy sighs as our tongues duel and teeth scrape and nip at each other's lips.

If her mouth was enough to sate the urge to let loose, I’d fucking kiss her all through eternity. It’s not, though. I need more. I want more. I want to get so deep under her skin, I’ll learn all her secrets and sins. All those ugly truths she doesn’t want me to see hiding behind her quick wit and sass. Hell, I want to get so deep inside every part of her, I’ll know her better than she knows herself.

Pulling away with a gnaw of her lip, I open my eyes and wait for her to do the same, and tell her, “I caught you.”

“What are you going to do with me?”

Lifting her over my shoulder in one quick move, I cross the road as the light is about to turn amber again. Without a second of pause, I take us straight to the elevator.

“All the blood is going to my head.” Cassidy laughs, the reflection of her eyes meeting mine in the mirror in front of me.


“You’re a perv,” she laughs, whacking the back of my head with the bobble hat clutched in her hand.

Tugging her down the length of my body and onto her feet, I back her up against the elevator wall. Her eyes are wide as I open her coat with one rip of the zipper, then tug open my button-down she’s still wearing from this morning. With her chest heaving, her tits threaten to spill from her pastel green, lace bra.

“If I were a pervert, I’d fuck you right here, right now for that camera right there.” I nod at the camera above us, tipping her head so she can see the discreet device while I trail my fingertips across her jaw, then down her neck to the well of her throat.

With every inch of skin I trace, my cock throbs a little harder. My blood burns a bit hotter. My pulse pounds a beat faster. It’s a heady trifecta that’s slashing through me with a bone-deep ache I’ve never felt until this moment.

“Leif,” Cassidy whispers when I press my hand above the swell of her tits.

“Would you like that? Would it turn you on to be watched by total stranger while I fuck you like a dirty little slut?”

Cassidy’s eyes drop to mine, half-lidded in their silent response. She’s hot for the idea—I can tell from the way she’s biting on her rolled lips and goosebumps prickle down her neck, all the way to her chest, those plump tits of hers jutting forward as her body bows into mine.

Before she can stop me, I loosen her hair, shaking it out so the messy tendrils fall into a wild disarray around her face and shoulders. Cassidy’s prettier than ever when looking mussed up, with her face flushed and her eyes obsidian from all the wanton need sparkling in their depths.

“What are you doing?” she asks, the pitch of her voice tinged with equal parts excitement and trepidation when I take a step back, admiring the sight of her.
