Page 40 of Unchained Shadows

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“When I first arrived here, it was all about surviving an academy that will happily let you die in the process of learning. Then my magic awakened and everything went even more to shit. I was accustomed to being a Void, and sometimes I wonder if life would be easier if I still were.”

“Of course it would be, but you were never destined for ordinary, Raven,” Ari interjects, and I roll my eyes at him.

“Then Erikel arrives, and my problems go from surviving him to saving the academy from him. Which isn’t even the peak of the damn mountain I’m facing, it seems, because now I have to figure out how to bring people back from the Realm of Shadows who aren’t dead. I’m overwhelmed today, thinking I’m catching a win by releasing you from the compound, but it suddenly seems like I’m aligning realms and accepting pledged oaths for things I know nothing about.” I’m practically panting, trying to catch my breath as I summarize the shit I’m handling, and I’m only scratching the surface. This isn’t even getting into the nitty-gritty of it all.

“Yeah, the Brotherhood of Drakes surprised me too.”

I gape at him. That’s all he has to take from that? I should have known. “I’m glad,” I grumble, swiping a hand down my face.

“Their words were true. They might have saved some casualties if they had spoken to me earlier, but there’s nothing I can do about that now.”

“I’m sure what they’re saying means something, but right now, I need to figure some things out before someone discovers that the compound has been unleashed on the academy. I probably should have thought that part through before tearing down the ward.”

Ari stands, shaking out his feathers and fur. “Maybe, but you lead with your heart, Raven. As much as you don’t think you have one, you do. It’s apparent in all of your decisions.”

I can’t decide if that’s a compliment or a dig, but before I can decipher it, a thud interrupts my train of thought and I turn to find Gia stalking toward us.

Her head tips down as Ari approaches her and they share a moment, nuzzling each other before Ari turns to face me. “They’ve found refuge. A shelter while we gather ourselves without being too far from you,” he explains, tipping his beak out to the shoreline in the distance.

It’s not far, and not a part of the academy either. Good choice.

Standing, I smile. “Go, make sure they stay safe. I don’t want anyone getting trapped or detained by Erikel, or anyone else for that matter.”

“We’ll be ready to take action when you need us, Raven.”

I shake my head. “I won’t?—”

“I won’t pledge an oath to you. It’s unnecessary. I am your familiar. Any war of yours is a war of mine. You once said that we could all be on the same side, you and I, magical beings of all designs. I would like to prove those words to be true.”

I vaguely recall saying something along those lines, and I definitely believe it, but I don’t remember who I spoke them to.

“And if I don’t want a war?” I offer the truth heavy on my tongue.

“I don’t believe we have a choice in that anymore.”

I sigh, knowing that his truth outweighs my own. I’m along for the ride whether I like it or not.

“Don’t shut your mind off from me,” I murmur, walking closer to where they stand.

Ari lowers his head and my hand instinctively presses to his beak. A warmth floods my veins, tangling with my magic before settling in my mind.

“Channel this and you will be sure not to let anyone intrude on your mind,” he explains as my hand falls away.

I blink up at him in shock, sensing the magical barrier surrounding my mind that somehow uses my own magic and not his. “How can I show this to Brax?”

“You’ll figure it out,” he hollers before taking flight, Gia right beside him.

I watch in awe as they glide through the sky, wings spread wide as they dance through the air together. I remain rooted to the spot until they are tiny dots on the horizon, taking a moment to appreciate the calmness that surrounds me. I know it’s not going to last much longer, not with the twists and turns inevitably finding their way into my path.

Turning to the house, I find Brax standing at the floor-length windows. My heart swells as I take him in, cutting the distance between us as the wind picks up around me. Shutting the patio door, I head toward him, but before I get too close, he’s moving toward the dining table, where I find a spread of food laid out for us.

“Thank you,” I breathe as I take my seat, and he nods in response. Instead of taking his usual spot across the table, he fills the chair to my left instead. His closeness is like a warm blanket, protective and safe against the bitter world that snaps at our heels.

Digging into the array of food, I sense his eyes on me, but focus on eating because I know how grumpy he can get about that. The silence almost starts to feel antsy, so I turn to him, only to find him staring at me already.

“Is something the matter?”

“No,” he grumbles, taking a forkful of his food as he glances away from me.
