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The familiar jingle of an incoming call awakens my laptop, and I sit up straighter. My work desk is just behind the couch and strategically placed to have my bookshelf as the background.

As a freelance photographer, it means I don’t need a huge office to work at. This wooden desk with nothing but a laptop, wireless keyboard, and mouse is my entire “workplace.”

The face of my regular client appears, and I wave at him and smile. He was one of my first clients when I struck out on my own after years of working for a media company. I’ve photographed his proposal, prenup shoots, wedding, baby shower, and now, his baby’s first birthday.

It takes us roughly ten minutes to iron out the details. He’s currently discussing hiring me for a company event when I jolt in my seat after feeling slender fingers brush over my calf and toward my inner thigh.

Goddammit, Piper.

I force my eyes on the screen, nodding like an idiot even if the client’s words go through my head. My fingers curl on the edge of my desk, gripping it tightly, and I exhale slowly.

Piper reaches for my waistband to tug it down because yes, one of the perks of working from home is I get to wear a button-down polo and pair it with boxer shorts.

My cock springs free, jutting against my stomach, and when Piper’s fingers wrap around it, I lean my elbow hard against the desk, clench my hand into a fist, and bite on it hard.

From the other side, it looks like I’m focused on what the client’s saying, but my whole body is hyper-aware of Piper. My eyes stray to her, and it’s the worst thing I could have done because the moment our gazes lock, she spits on her hand and begins stroking me in a way that has my muscles straining.

“Is that alright, Parker? But of course, I’m definitely not gonna try to mess with your style, man.”

“Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. No problem.”

I have no idea what the fuck I just agreed to, but holy mother of God, my loins are so tight they’re about to burst. I’m trying my damnedest to concentrate, but Piper has taken things to the next level.

She repositions herself so her forearms are on my thighs, and she darts her tongue out to lick the bead of precum.

I rake my nails along my scalp and grab fistfuls of hair, briefly lowering my gaze only to find her opening her mouth and wrapping her lips around me.

“Do you have any changes to the contract?”

With all the strength I can muster, I interlock my fingers and rest my chin on them, nodding absentmindedly.

“Okay. What changes?”

“What? I mean, no. No changes. All good.”

He nods. “Okay. A couple of things more.”

That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. With a click, I close my camera and tell him, “Hi sorry. My connection is spotty, but my audio’s all good. Is this alright?”

“Oh, sure. No problem. We’re just discussing a few more things. Anyway, you kind of know the drill since you’ve worked with me for so long already.”

“Okay. I’m all ears.”

I push back the chair, making sure the legs don’t scrape the floor, and pull Piper from under the desk.

There’s a playful twinkle in her eyes, and her face is flushing from arousal and excitement. This is definitely not how I pictured her to be, and fuck it, it’s so much better than all my filthy fantasies put together.

“Stay quiet while I fuck you,” I tell her, my voice low to make sure only she can hear.

Her mouth parts, but she nods, chewing on her bottom lip. I turn her around, and her palms rest on my desk. She’s still wearing her nightgown, so I hike the pink silk material around her waist and pull her panties down, letting them pool around her ankle. She’s bent at her waist and her pink pussy glistens.

“No problem with the proposed fees, I assume? I told him we need to give you more than your usual.”

“Yep, no problem,” I respond while I fist my cock and slide it into Piper’s already-drenched pussy.


With me hunching over her back, my lips brush her temple while my finger teases her clit. I know I won’t last long like this, but I have to. She has to come first—literally and figuratively.
