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His lips almost touch mine. His eyes smolder. I tingle. From head to toe, I burn. For a lunatic I barely know.

Why? Yes, he’s hot, but why is he the first man who’s ever aroused me?

What would it feel like to have Marrok deep inside me, concentrating all that fury not into vengeance, but passion?

Bad thought. It goes with the bad man.

I wrest free and shove him away, trying to drag in a breath that doesn’t intoxicate me with his scent. “I can see how being alive for an eternity would make you cranky, but seriously, I’m not Morgana.”

“Lie not to me, witch.”

Since he didn’t believe my first denial—or my second—I’m hardly shocked he doesn’t buy this one.

Again, I scan my surroundings for a weapon. I remember the Mace in my purse. It’s no match for the giant sword he still grips, but I have nothing else.

Easing my hand into the bag still dangling from my shoulder, I grip the can with shaking fingers. Adrenaline surges as I withdraw the aerosol, aim, and spray.

But Marrok is too fast. He ducks and whirls me around, covering my back with his chest. He immobilizes me by banding his thick arm around my waist. His free hand grips my throat, squeezing just enough to make me understand his unspoken threat.

“Don’t hurt me,” I choke out as Mace mists the air and burns my eyes.

He rips the can from my fingers and tosses it aside. It clatters against the hardwood floor.

“A modern potion, is it? Have you grown too lazy to make your own?”

I elbow his ribs, but trying to move him is like trying to displace a bus.

The solid stone of his chest slides across my hypersensitive skin. My terror dissolves…and my body stops caring about escape. In fact, the longer I’m in Marrok’s arms, the weaker my resistance. I’m the moth to his flame.

My veins sing. Languorous need winds through my bloodstream, a sweetly insidious narcotic pooling in every place that makes me female.

“I swear, I’m not Morgana. I’m Olivia Gray. We just met today.”

“Your foolish protestations will neither convince me nor compel me to release you.”

“Then what will? I’m not the woman you want.”

He tightens a steely arm around my middle and wedges his steely cock against me—which proves he isn’t small anywhere. “We both know that is untrue. Thanks to you, I cannot be satisfied by any woman. Would it be different with you, Morgana?”

“Since I’m not her and I don’t have any powers, sex with me will not change your…state.”

But would it end this insane desire I feel?

No. Bad. Focus.

I do…until his lips touch the shell of my ear. “I think you toy with me. Your curse proclaims that I left you to ache, no matter what you tried. It would be like you to punish me until I satisfy you once more. Should I?”

Chapter Fourteen

His soft growl makes my knees weak. “No.”

“Your protest would be more convincing did you sound less breathy. Mayhap breaking my curse is that simple.” He seizes on my weakness, sliding my hair over one shoulder and pressing his lips to my neck. “I avoided you for a century, until Merlin banished you from this realm. But if fucking you will free me, then I will touch you—whenever, wherever, and however I wish. I will be with you, on you, inside you—”

“Stop!” He doesn’t want me, just freedom. No matter how strong the pull I feel, I shouldn’t let him use me. “No means no in any century.”

“It does. But your body says yes. You breathe hard. Your nipples tighten.” He drags a thumb over one sensitive tip.

Tingles detonate through me like a Fourth of July fireworks finale. Before I can stop myself, my head falls back to his chest, and I gasp.
