Page 17 of The Enforcer

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“We need to move her out of here, and that additional security team at your place starts now.”

“What about my things?”

“Make a list. We’ll send someone out to buy you what you need.”

“Why? What’s happened?”

“I sent a couple of our guys to your place. They arrived right behind the fire department.”

“The fire department?” she asked.

King nodded. “It appears that someone ransacked your place and when they couldn’t find what they were looking for, they set it on fire. I’m afraid they think it’s a complete loss.”

Alicia felt as though she was going to vomit. Brock was immediately at her side, and she clutched at his hand.

“Take deep, slow breaths, baby girl, and don’t worry. King is right. You’re family, and this bastard just fucked with the wrong family.”

“I’m going to have two more of our guys head to your place. The two I sent to Alicia’s will come back and report to Seth, and you and I are going to take her to your place.”

Brock nodded. “Come on, Alicia, we’ll go down to the secure parking area and get you to my place.”

“I thought Cerberus would be more secure.”

“Not really,” explained Brock. “He’ll look for you here, and there are people going in and out of the building all day. My place has the same kind of glass.”

She looked up at him, feeling tears well in her eyes. “Does it have a leather recliner and a soft blanket?”

He kissed her forehead. “Not only does it have that, but there’s a fireplace, and the recliner rocks. You’ll be fine.” He turned to King. “We need to nail this motherfucker.”

“Agreed. Operation Protect Alicia is underway.”



“Operation Protect Alicia?” she asked. “Is that the best you can do? Can’t it have a cooler name? If for no other reason than I’d like to keep this as quiet as possible. I know some people are going to have to know, but I don't need everyone knowing my business.”

Again, with the pouty mouth. The images that flashed before his eyes as to what he’d really like to have that mouth doing had nothing to do with pouting. He could practically feel his cock sliding in and out of her mouth as he pressed deep, trying to hit that velvety spot at the back of her throat before pumping his cum into her belly.

“How about Operation Masquerade or Operation Cabaret?” Brock asked, trying to sound innocent.

Alicia shot him a glance that fulfilled all of the requirements for looks that could kill. King looked between the two of them and shook his head.

“Suddenly I feel out of my depth. You two name it whatever you like. I’m going up to my office and getting the team in place. I’m going to assume you want Royce in charge of the roving team and Seth on the tech angle.”

Brock nodded. “Right. There’s plenty of parking inside the fenced yard off the alley in the back. The front is pretty private with the wall, and the iron gate out there is pretty substantial and locked. They can stage out of the back—there’s a separate guest house out there. Royce knows the basic layout.”

“Sounds good. We’ll try to keep it as low-key as possible,” King said as he pushed back from the table. “As for you, Alicia, keep in mind that you are now under Cerberus’ protection. That means following orders and telling us what we need to know. Whoever this guy is? He isn’t going to get to you. And if that means putting him down and hiding the body, we can do that.”

Brock had to smile at Alicia’s face when she realized King wasn’t joking. She watched him leave and then turned to stare at Brock incredulously. “Tell me he’s not serious about that last part.”

“I would, but unlike someone else in the room, I don’t lie to or mislead friends.”

“I’m the client. Aren’t I supposed to tell you what’s acceptable? By the way, I can’t afford Cerberus.”

“First off, you’re family, and family never gets charged. Second, no, you are not in charge; I am. You need to get that through your pretty little head right now. Shit. Hmmm; I’m not sure that sounded quite how I meant it.”

“I know what you meant, and I know I should be grateful, but you don’t know what you’re up against, and I don’t want anyone hurt.”
