Page 41 of Raven

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“Ugh, do we have to? Why can’t we go to the sex club?” Remi groans.

“I just told you to be good,” Jasper barks, twisting around in his seat to face her.

“Make me,” she throws back.

In the blink of an eye, he’s leaning over the back seat, gripping her jaw tightly in his hand. “Don’t tempt me, Little Bird.” His lips descend on hers, and I tear my eyes from them. It doesn’t stop me from hearing her breathless pants when he pulls away. “My next punishment won’t be nearly as enjoyable as your last one.”

Wanting to be in position before our mark leaves the building, I climb from the car, swinging the door shut behind me. Jasper is quick to follow and is standing next to his door by the time I round the front of the SUV.

We stand beside each other, facing the backdoor Anthony should exit since his vehicle is parked here. We’ll send one of the guys to pick it up later and take it to the chop shop.

“She forgave you,” I grunt out, crossing my arms and scowling at the door.

He folds his hands in front of him in a more relaxed stance. “Well, we didn’t really hide as much as you. I’m sure you’ll get her to forgive you soon enough.”

“Not before I get blue balls. Grayson hasn’t fucked her since that first time. I can see it in his eyes he’s going to take her tonight.” The grip on my arms tighten as I hold myself back from punching the car. It’s getting harder to hold in my self hatred for finding myself in this position.

Jasper chuckles, shaking his head. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished the phone camera was in a better position to have seen everything go down. That audio though… cracks me up every time.”

“He did a good job of trying to run her off. Too bad she caught a whiff of something she liked from him.”

He turns slightly to look at me. “He’s growing on all of us. I don’t think it’ll take long for us to consider him as one of us. The way he enjoyed killing his dad with her. That manic gleam in his eyes mirrors the rest of ours.”

I grunt in acknowledgment, but am saved from saying anything when Anthony walks out the back door. We stand silently, waiting for him to notice us, which doesn’t take long. Like a deer caught in headlights, he freezes in his tracks, staring at us without moving an inch.

“Mr. Andreozzi, your presence has been requested,” I announce. His face drains of color, and his Adam’s apple bobs with a gulp. He doesn’t say anything as he slowly approaches. It’s clear he doesn’t want to. Nobody ever does. And it’s even more terrifying for them when a group of unknown mafia men comes to pick you up.

As he nears, I open the back door, waiting for him to climb in. He pauses when he sees Cole already waiting inside. He put his phone away and now holds a Glock resting on his thigh. The fucker enjoys inciting fear as much as our girl, who has tucked herself into the corner of the back seat, making herself inconspicuous in hopes he doesn’t see her. It’s hard to tell which of the two of them enjoys playing with their victims more.

Five years of acting like a chauffeur still has a grip on me, and I wait for Jasper to get in before shutting the door for him. I need this kill almost as much as Raven. Hopefully, it will help settle her and I can work my way into her heart again.

The car is silent when I get back in, but it doesn’t stay that way for long. “Hello, Mr. Andreozzi,” Raven purrs in his ear. He jumps so high, his head bangs against the top of the SUV, the resulting thump bringing a sparkle to her blue eyes. She leans an elbow on the seat next to Cole’s head and props herself on her hand. “It’s rude not to respond, you know.”

“Hello,” he squeaks out.

“I heard you’ve been naughty,” she says with a smirk. “I like being naughty too.” She reaches a finger to tease along his cheek, but Cole snaps his hand out to stop hers before it makes contact.

He’s still very much on edge from being kept from her yesterday, so it doesn’t surprise me when he very calmly twists his head around to glare at her. “Don’t,” he hisses. “I’m not in the mood to cut off part of his face for daring to touch your finger.”

Raven shoots him her best fuck me eyes and lets out a breathy whimper. Someone should have given her several orgasms with that plug already so she wouldn’t be so fucking horny right now. “Cole, don’t scare him. You’re taking away my fun,” she pouts after recovering from what he said like it was some kind of romantic declaration. With Raven, that’s exactly what it is to her though.

She puts her face right next to her victim and blows on his cheek, making him shudder before freezing in his spot, not wanting to risk touching her by accident. “So, as I was saying, you’ve been doing things you shouldn’t, isn’t that right?”

He doesn’t say anything, but the slight tightening of his eyes and the sweat beading on his forehead means fear is flooding his system. He meekly stares ahead unseeing. I wonder if his life is flashing before his eyes. Raven must come to the same conclusion, because she snaps her fingers in front of his eyes. “Hey, asshole! I asked you a question.”

The only response she gets is a whimpering moan.

“Babe, what would you do if any of my spit landed on him?” Her question is directed at Cole, who already turned his focus back on his phone.

Catching on to her game, he gives her a devious smile, pleased to be included. “I’d cut whatever it landed on off, Countess. I don’t want any part of you touching another man.” He’s serious too. We’re damn lucky he hasn’t killed us in our sleep for being with her. The only reason he doesn’t is because she’d kill him for doing it.

Thankfully, we’re pulling into the underground garage at the club, because it’s becoming hard to split my attention between the road and the mirror I have fixed on her. “Hear that, Anthony? If you don’t stop being so rude to me, I’ll spit on your pencil dick.”

Suddenly, the air is filled with the scent of piss and Raven is groaning in exasperation. “Fucking hell. Not again! What is it with these pussies in New York? Is there something in the water that makes them unable to hold their bladder or something?”

“Your brother is going to kill you for getting piss in his car,” I comment, turning the wheel and easing into the entrance to the garage. The suspension has the vehicle bouncing as we meet the dip between the road and the drive. Anthony lets out a shriek and jerks away from Raven, ending up slamming his body into Jasper, who pushes him back.

“Boo!” Raven shouts right before he collides with her face. I’m not sure what Cole does, because the darkness from the garage diminishes my vision, but whatever look he gives, has Anthony passing out. Fuck. Now we have to carry the piss puddle.
