Page 46 of Raven

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I’m still mulling the question over hours later. All through my shower, during dinner, and even while we watched a movie. How in the fuck is Ravenmaster doing it?

“If you keep thinking about it any harder, you’ll short circuit your brain,” Grayson murmurs into my hair. I’m laying against his side on the couch, trying to watch said movie, but my thoughts won’t shut the fuck up. I’m driving myself crazy going through every single interaction I’ve had with Ravenamaster.

“Baby!” he snaps, gripping my chin and forcing me to look at him. “You aren’t helping yourself by obsessing over it.”

“I can’t stop. My brain won’t turn off.”

He gives me a knowing tilt of the head. “Want me to help you?”

“Yes,” I practically whimper, wanting to be able to turn it off for a little while. A break will probably help me figure it out. Somehow it’s becoming harder to sift through everything weighing on my mind.

Grayson’s playboy smirk flashes before a seriousness replaces it. Still holding my chin, he leans closer, staring deeply into my eyes. “Go to your bedroom and put on my lingerie set, then I want you to kneel at the foot of your bed with your palms resting upward on your knees, and your head bent down. No touching yourself,” he tells me in a stern tone. “And then I want you to clear your mind.”

“I know how to take a submissive pose,” I snap, offended he feels the need to be so detailed.

“No bratting. You asked me to help turn off your thoughts, which means I’m going to give you step-by-step instructions so you don’t have to think about it. Focus on my words and nothing else, baby. I’ve got you,” he says, kissing my forehead. “Now go do as I said.”

It takes me a moment to do what he says, my strong-willed nature finding it hard to give up control. But he’s right. This is what I asked for, what I need from him right now. To be able to disconnect from my life and simply relax and follow his instructions.

He gives a reassuring smile when I stand from the couch and leave the room, and I already start to feel better, not having to think about my next move.

Before I know it, I’m kneeling at the foot of my bed. He didn’t mention the plug, so I left it in, and as soon as my hands land palm up on my knees, it turns on. The slow buzz makes my pussy even wetter as I anticipate all the possibilities of what’s to come. I hope to fuck this isn’t a repeat of our first time.

My thoughts are racing again. This time they’re fixated on how horrible Grayson was when we fucked. Baby batter runs on repeat and the longer I’m sitting here, the more anxious I get. Moving slightly side to side, not wanting to be still.

Suddenly, the plug does a weird vibration pattern, almost as if it’s reprimanding me. Shit. I’m supposed to be clearing my mind, not allowing my thoughts to run all over the place.

It switches into a new pattern, ratcheting up, and then softly coming back down. I focus on the sensation, allowing my breathing to match. Deep inhales, slow exhales. In and out. Over and over.

The gentle sound of my breathing fills my ears, and the longer I concentrate on matching it to the sensations of the plug, the more I feel my body relax. My head dips even lower. Shoulders aren’t by my ears anymore. My arms are like Jello, hanging down to where my hands rest on my legs.

In and out.

I’m so lost in the meditation the plug is leading, that I didn’t hear Grayson enter the room. I don’t even know he’s here until the soft touch of his hand meets the top of my head. “Good job, baby. Such a good girl.”

Something inside me expands with warmth at his praise. I want to show him how much I like it, but he hasn’t given me any instructions on moving, so I remain frozen in place. The plug ramps up, I breathe in. It slows down, I exhale.

The air in front of me shifts and grows warmer. Suddenly, fingers glide along my inner thigh, approaching my cunt before they disappear. I didn’t even realize my eyes had closed at some point, having grown heavy in the peacefulness I’ve found myself in. “So wet for me already.”


Standing from my crouched position, I tower over her submissive form. She’s a sight to behold in the maroon and black set she tried on for me in the dressing room, which feels like forever ago now. Seeing her on her knees like this, unmoving because I haven’t given her any instructions… fuck, she’s so perfect. My cock agrees, a throb making it twitch in my pants.

I’ve run through so many ideas of what I want to do to her first, that now faced with her in front of me, pliant to my every whim, I don’t know what I want to start with. Her needs are most important at this moment, keeping her out of her own head. Her pleasure. Making up for the god awful sex I gave her before.

I have to rock her goddamn world tonight, or I might just hear her tell me nevermore.

My fingers are soaked with her slick juices, and I place them under her chin, tilting her head up to look at me. Her eyes are closed, and her face is so serene. A drastic change to how she was downstairs.

The zipper on my pants strains as my huge cock tries to reach for her. Her face is right in front of it. My wet fingers leave her chin, but she holds the position I put her in, and I drag her bottom lip down. The temptation is too much, and I slide my finger into her mouth. She wraps her lips around it instantly.

“Taste how wet you are for me, baby. How your pussy drips with the thought of me fucking it.” Her tongue unabashedly laves my finger, cleaning it of her sweetness. I can’t wait to taste it again myself. It haunts my dreams, and some days, I wake up craving her on my lips.

Her eyes are still closed, so I rasp out, “Look at me.” The command has her lids snapping open, and those stunning blue orbs are on me. The turbulent storm they held earlier is gone, leaving me with a softness I’ve never seen before.

I have a lot to say about the guys and their methods of stalking her… well, maybe I don’t, considering I put a tracking device in her necklace. But Ravenmaster had the right idea when placing cameras around so he could always have eyes on her. It’s how I knew she was still overthinking things. How I knew I needed to wait before coming up here and why I started messing with the settings of the plug.

Through the plug, I was able to manipulate her emotions, help her gain control over the fucking tornado of thoughts spinning in her head. Control. It’s what I’ve been needing from her before I fucked her again. And she gave it to me so sweetly. I knew it would be mine if I only waited for the right time.
