Page 1 of Knot a Clue

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Chapter 1


It’s hard to tell which is louder... the pounding of my heart beating through my ears like rushing rapids, or the thudding of my feet meeting the forest floor as I run from my future. Nothing makes you wish you were in better shape than when you’re running for your life.

One moment I’m lounging in my tent, feet kicked up on my backpack as I read from my Kindle—thank god for solar power chargers—then all of a sudden my name rings out through the trees. Fear instantly fists my heart in a death grip, sending adrenaline coursing through me, making my fingertips tingle. My body jerks into motion of its own volition, jumping from my comfortable sleeping bag and sprinting out of the tent like it’s on fire.

The scent of the forest wraps me in its embrace as I move, pumping my arms faster to get away. The distinct bite of damp moss and the undercurrent of the fresh rain we had a few days ago wrap around me. This forest has always felt freeing to me and right now… it might be my salvation.

If I can escape.

One might say it’s impossible, but I’m up for the challenge. It’s not like I really have a choice.

I know what awaits me if I don’t—the ceremony. It’s only a formality. A way to parade emerging omegas in front of the cameras before we’re shipped off to Hidden Haven Manor. And there’s no doubt about me being an omega. I’ve been showing subtle signs for a while now, and the closer I get to my twenty-first birthday, the stronger they are. Like the desire to follow an alpha’s orders the moment they give one. The way I’m drawn to their scent. The burning curiosity about their knots.

Regrettably, I didn’t have my shoes on—rookie move honestly—and now my feet are littered with cuts from the sharp, unforgiving forest floor. I’m moving on instinct, the prey being chased by the ultimate predator. An alpha. More than likely there are multiple tracking me down to drag me back to town.

Why do they have to be so attractive, with their giant forms and their bulky muscles? Always showing how much stronger they are than the rest of us. Fuck, I can’t even think of an alpha without wanting to clench my thighs together. The scent of my arousal surrounds me, making a fresh wave of panic take over. Damn it! I can’t leave behind an easy trail like this. It’ll only lead them straight to me.

A twig snaps somewhere behind me, far too close for my liking, and my heart kicks into overdrive. I turn to move in a new direction, and my foot slips in the damp leaves covering the ground. A sharp rock cuts into the bare flesh of my sole. My teeth bite into my tongue so hard I taste the coppery tang of blood as I hold in my cry of pain. I’m trying my best to keep my escape silent while hurrying the fuck up, but it’s almost impossible when every other step makes me want to curse the stupidity of not putting on shoes.

Shouts ring through the trees, coming from the direction of my camp. They know they’re close and it’ll only renew their fervor to find me. Shit! Picking up my pace, I pinch my lips together to keep myself from making a noise as branches whip me in the face and pull at my ponytail, ripping strands free. Fuck, that hurts. Keep going, Verity. You can’t stop now.

After several more minutes of running, the rushing in my ears gets louder, and it takes me a moment to realize it isn’t my heart making the sound, but the small river where I’ve been getting fresh water. Had I been thinking rationally, I probably would’ve chosen to come here on purpose, but I can’t in good conscience claim to have done that. The only thought I’m capable of right now is born of pure panic.




I know my life will never be the same if they find me. The dread of what’s coming has been weighing on my soul for months now. There’s no denying the facts. I just don’t want that life. They treat omegas like a prize to be won in a popularity contest. They don’t get to choose their mates, they’re chosen for her through a televised show called Heat Paradise. There has to be a better way, a way that lets an omega build a pack with alphas who are perfect for her. Not someone society votes for simply because he smirks just right for the camera. There’s more to love than that. I refuse to believe otherwise.

A rip echoes through the trees as if a bullhorn is amplifying the sound. Or maybe it’s my fear making it seem louder. Either way, my pants tear as I force my way through some bushes, exposing my knee. Branch upon branch reach for me as I push my way through them. It’s like they’re working with whoever is trying to capture me, announcing where I am as they break, while holding me in place for the alphas to catch up.

Not today, motherfucker.

Ignoring the scratches stinging my arms and face, I propel my way through the bushes until I find myself on the river bank. The ground suddenly changes from roots, dirt and leaves, to pebbles, making me lose my balance. My knees take the brunt of my fall and I’m forced to bite my fist to keep the scream of pain in.

Glancing over my shoulder, I crawl to the water and desperately pray that it’ll help cover my scent. The tent would have been filled with the sweet tang of my arousal, that spicy paranormal reverse harem book I was reading doing me no favors. The steam was great for keeping my mind distracted from the doom my life holds, but hindsight makes it seem like the worst idea ever. Now my scent is trapped inside the tent, giving my pursuers exactly what they need to find me. Like following a rainbow to the pot of gold.

I don’t pause when I reach the water. It sloshes around me as I stumble in, a sigh escaping me from the sweet relief surrounding me. I allow the coldness to flow over my cuts and scrapes. It eases the pulsing throb of the welts. My lungs scream at me to take a break, but I know I can’t. I have to keep going until they give up.

Somehow, I find the energy to push myself up, once again wishing I made fitness a higher priority in life. Actually, what I really wish is that I was a beta. Then I wouldn’t be in this mess at all. No sense in wishing upon things I can’t change, though…

Clay squishes through my fingers as I push up, and I can’t help but think of Peeta from The Hunger Games. Specifically, the scene where he used mud to disguise himself. I’m not that talented, but perhaps there’s a chance it could hide my scent. I’m desperate enough to try almost anything right now.

Scooping a handful of the soft clay, I quickly rub it on parts of my exposed skin, sending a prayer to any gods willing to listen that it’ll help me in some way. “Verity! We’re here to help,” a voice calls out close enough to be heard over the sounds of the river. “Come out, we only want to protect you!” It’s the same smooth voice that’s been yelling my name from the start.

Instinct has my body flinching to do as he says. The alpha didn’t even use his bark, and yet something deep inside wants to do exactly as he requested. It makes me feel like I’m not even in control of my decisions. A sob lodges in my throat. I’ve never been so terrified in my life, and this proves exactly why I ran.

I don’t take the time to clean the remaining clay from my hands, instead I wipe it on my pants as I hurry through the water. It’s only a few feet deep, but it still slows my steps. I’m making a ton of noise, but the delay is worth it if it helps mask my scent. I know there’s absolutely zero chance of me outrunning an alpha. My only hope is to hide.

“Verity,” he shouts, even closer this time. I strain to listen over the rushing water to where his footsteps are crashing through the forest, following my trail. I can’t be certain, but it sounds like he’s alone. Whoever else came with him must have split off in another direction. Although… maybe I’m not important enough to have sent more than one enforcer after me.

One can only hope.

My gaze desperately searches through the trees for a place to hide. It’s a hopeless endeavor with him so hot on my tail, but something inside me refuses to give up until the very end. Tears cloud my vision and I grip my chest to help ease the ache threatening to tear me apart as I hold back the sobs.
