Page 10 of Entwined

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“She pretended like she loved me, but she only saw me as a prop to her cons. Saw me as something she could use to get a bigger pay out, all the while pretending like I was her everything…”

He cuts off as if his words sparked a new realization. “I suppose that’s why I resented her so much. She was running a long con on me my entire life, making me think she loved me when, in reality, I meant nothing to her.”

“We’re hunting her down next after Cole kills your brother,” I state plainly. There’s no room for arguments. I want to kill her for what she did to my man, the same as I wanted to kill Grayson’s father. Nobody gets to mistreat what’s mine.

Cole turns and meets my gaze. He grips my chin and roughly kisses me. It’s quick, yet long enough to give me an impression of the depth of his feelings. “I’ll add it to my search.”

The SUV suddenly slows, gaining our attention as Jasper takes his foot off the gas. He stares at us, his gaze flicking back and forth. I’m not sure why he’s acting so surprised. “We’re family, Jasp. I’m the only one who gets to inflict pain on you,” Cole claims, a devilish smirk on his face that makes me want to throw his laptop to the footwell and straddle his lap.

“No,” I claim, eyeing his bottom lip that makes me want to sink my teeth into it. “I’m the only one who gets to maim any of you.”

Cole lets out a sexy growl and traces a finger over the spot where his bullet wound is hidden under his jeans. “Don’t I know it.” After a moment of pure mania sparkles in his eyes, he pouts his lip out. “Please don’t go giving them scars, too. That’s our thing.”

I can’t help it, I roll my eyes at him. Shooting him wasn’t some purposeful declaration of love like he seems to think. But then again, I did do it because I’m possessive as fuck and wasn’t about to let him leave me behind. I guess that is a type of love.

The idea of killing Jasper’s mom thrills me the same way it thrilled me when Grayson and I killed his dad. I wonder if Jasper would do it with me, if he’d plan every detail out with me and make it a date for the two of us.

Suddenly, a new idea sparks to mind. “Cole, do you have any parents that need to be killed?”

He grins at me, my question not going over his head. He knows exactly what I’m up to. “No, little murderer. I’ve already got all the proof of your love I need.”

Without giving the disappointment a chance to settle in, he reaches a hand around my head and drags me into him for a heated kiss. I love how much he adores my murderous side.

I’m panting by the time we separate, my cunt soaking my thong. They really don’t hold up when I’m around my guys. I’m not even sure why I wear them anymore, aside from a prop for them to rip off me when the whim crosses them. Who am I kidding? They rip them off any chance they get.

How is it possible to even think about having sex right now? My cunt aches with how much attention it got earlier. You can’t convince me there isn’t a bruise from how much Jasper rubbed against my G-spot. And yet…

A mouth. That’s what I need. A soft, warm tongue worshiping me between my legs. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. A girl can never have too many orgasms.

Cole’s statement finally catches up to me. “That’s not what I said.” I’m not sure why I always have to deny it, but I do. It seems to be our thing.

“Oh, my sweet sweet Raven. You don’t have to say it with words to tell me how you feel. Actions can say it even louder.” Cole lightly kisses the tip of my nose and turns to face Jasper, which means he misses the way I scrunch it and sit back in my seat, completely thrown off by his show of softness.

Goddamn it. Jasper is wearing off on him. Before I know it we’ll all be cuddling in a big pile on a single bed if we aren’t careful. My mind flashes to what it would look like—four naked men pumping their cocks, ready to devour me. Okay, maybe that isn’t such a bad idea.

I shake off the vision, not willing to get sucked into it any further, and come back to my senses in time to hear Cole say, “—n’t explain anything about your brother.”

Jasper can’t fool me. I think he appreciated the break from his story. Even so, he huffs out a breath in exasperation. “I would’ve gotten to that part if the two of you didn’t keep interrupting me.”

Cole glances over his shoulder to fix me in his gaze. “Don’t worry, sweet killer. He’s only jealous he wasn’t able to be the one kissing you.” He winks at me with a mischievous grin, telling me he’s enjoying fucking with Jasper.

I’m not sure what turned his desperation around. Perhaps it was the reminder that he has a family now, that he’s not alone in finding his sister. Or perhaps it was the added knowledge that we know where the Tulip Broker’s main base is. Either way, I’m thankful his mood has turned around.

“Fine, we’ll stop interrupting you.” I wave my hand in a gesture for him to keep going.

Jasper nods his head, accepting my statement, but something seems to weigh on him. Like the thought of what he has to say next is crushing his soul like a trash compactor—pushing in on all sides with no escape.

“Eventually my mom realized that if she was making so much more with one kid, she could get a second and make infinitely more.” He rubs at his chin, thinking through his next words. “She plucked Michael right off the streets when I was ten. He was thirteen and already selling himself to eat and have a warm place to sleep at night.

“Michael worshiped my mom, didn’t even care that she was grooming him to be a con artist. In a way, he already was. He only cared that he didn’t have to bend over and take it up the ass or give dirty blowjobs in the alley.

“I was the only one who loathed all the lying. And it only got worse once Michael joined us. Since we were old enough, she had us running small cons on our own while she went for the big fish. Running two at once was better than one.

“The older we got, the more I despised it and the more he loved it. Michael enjoyed ripping people’s lives apart and often remained behind when we moved to a new city to revel in watching someone else’s pain.

“When I was eighteen, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I found a private military group to join and hoped to any deity that would listen that I never had to see them again. I learned everything I could, honing my skills and moving up the ranks until I left and created The Guild.”

“So then, when did you create the ‘I won’t kill you’ pact?” I ask, cutting him off.
