Page 40 of Entwined

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I push through the two of them, grateful that I won the coin toss on who gets to go in first. I taught them proper military formation on infiltrating enemy grounds, but I won’t be holding my breath that they’ll stick to it.

With a huff, I take a moment to glance between my two psychos, and much to my surprise there’s an affectionate tug in my heart when taking in Cole’s demeanor. As much as I want to worry about his tenuous hold on a rational sense of mind, I truly see him as family, him and the others are my true brothers.

Now it’s time to trust my family and do what we do best—kill some motherfuckers.

Chapter 18


Jasper taps the doorknob before wrapping his hand around it and carefully pressing his thumb against the latch. For some insane reason, my mind goes to the Home Alone movie where the kid did everything in his little imagination to protect his house. Honestly, he might have some moves I should look into…

The door swings open, and we pause, listening. Not a sound to be heard other than the bugs somewhere nearby. I almost jump out of my skin when I hear Grayson in my ear. “I’ve reached my position. Tracking nearby movement toward the mansion and monitoring the cameras.”

Cole taps his ear, sending a sound through the coms in response, since it’s not a good idea to speak right now. I’m not sure how the two of them were able to stay so calm and steady with the unexpected voice in their ear. Perhaps it takes practice.

Pushing the door wide open, Jasper holds his gun up and steps inside. Excitement courses through me. We’re doing it. We’re all working as a team to take out the assholes who have Cole’s sister. This is the start of our lives together. And it makes me so fucking happy I could squeal. And I’m not that type of girl.

I follow behind Jasper, knowing my men wouldn’t allow me to go in without someone protecting my back. My gun points to the ground, making sure I don’t point it at Jasper as we silently move through the entryway down a hallway, taking us deeper into the mansion.

“There’s two men who just entered the kitchen,” Grayson says through the earpiece. “I didn’t see where they came from, though, so watch out.”

We have some blueprints that were filed with the city when the house was built, giving us the general direction of the kitchen, but Jasper pointed out that the Tulip Broker wouldn’t play by government laws when making changes. There’s no way to know what he’s done to the place, or if those blueprints were ever even real in the first place.

Guess we’ll find out soon enough.

As we make our way through the mansion, we pause to check every room we pass. Everywhere we look there’s extravagance, almost like each room has its own theme. One has white everywhere, almost virginal. Another seems to skew to the disgustingly young side. There’s even a dark room with BDSM furniture scattered around strategically.

I’ve seen rooms set up like this in my brother’s sex club, but this is different. Something about it is vile. Perhaps because it’s not in a regimented club setting. But my guess is that it’s the vibes that are left behind. The air is filled with bad juju, pressing against my skin, making goosebumps appear, and a shiver runs down my back.

The more I see, the more I’m convinced he holds auctions in his personal home. Which makes him even more sick. To live day-to-day life in the same place you sell people as slaves. To lay your head on your pillow above the room where you break them body, mind, and spirit.

It says a lot about the man. I didn’t even need to know all of this to want to kill him, but it sure makes me want to bring him back to do it over and over once the time comes. I’m sure I could become even more inventive than I’ve been in the past. I bet if I flutter my eyes and ask Cole nicely, he’ll give me some ideas too.

Suddenly, I smack into Jasper’s back. His head turns to glare at me, disappointed daddy doesn't have anything on the expression on his face. I grit my teeth and pull my lips into a sorry face while shrugging my shoulders.

He’s right, I shouldn’t be letting my thoughts wander.

A voice drifts through the opening we’re standing next to.

“Toss me the mustard while you’re in there,” a gruff voice says. A smack sounds followed by, “Thanks.”

That same click goes off in my ear from when Cole tapped his com bud before, and Grayson’s soothing tones come through next. “Only two in the kitchen.” I didn’t realize how tense I was until I heard him.

Jasper moves his hand in the sign that he’ll take the man on the left and I should split off to the man to the right, then he holds up three fingers, giving a countdown.

Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers! Let’s get this killing spree started.

Two fingers.

A small pang of regret twists my heart that I can’t scream it out loud. Perhaps next time.

One finger.

I barely hold myself back from bouncing on my toes. Okay, yeah. I get why they act like I need constant supervision.

And we’re moving!

Jasper takes a few rapid steps into the room and to the side, giving me the space I need to enter the doorway and spot my target. Our guns make the pht sound as the silencer keeps the decibels down as we shoot.
