Page 101 of Rook

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My brows pinch together in silent query.

“You don’t want to label it,” she explains.“You don’t know how to yet, and that’s because you’ve never been in love before.”

My mom is well aware of the scope of my feelings for Chesca. She knew I’d never told Kirby’s mom I loved her. Lying to the mother of my child is something I will never do.

“Don’t tell my mom,” I warn with a playful wag of my finger. “I’ll tell her.”

“I won’t say a word,” she promises. “When you’re ready to tell her you love this remarkable woman, you will, and knowing your mom, she’ll be picking out wedding flowers right away.”

I kiss her cheek softly. “My remarkable woman is waiting for me.”

She pats my chin. “Cherish her always, Rook. Always.”

“That’s the plan.”



As soon as I let myself into the firm’s suite at The Beaumont Hotel, I know something is amiss.

The scent of a woman’s fragrance hangs in the air, but it’s not Carrie’s.

It’s not the perfume she always wears. It’s certainly not one that she’s had a hand in developing.

I can identify all of those with my eyes closed.

This perfume is more floral with a sharp note of jasmine.

My gaze falls on the mess of clothing and shoes on the floor. They’re leading a path to the bedroom.

“What in the actual fuck is going on?” I murmur.

My answer comes waltzing out of the bedroom with her red hair tangled in a mess and a barely there bra and panty set covering everything I don’t want to see.

I bow my head to ensure I don’t view more than I want. “Who the hell are you?”

“Who are you?” she purrs back. “You’re a sight for a sore pussy.”

Since I don’t know what that means, I ignore it.

“My pussy was destroyed today.” She giggles. “It could use some love in the form of a kiss to make it better.”

“Nia?” A voice I recognize immediately calls out what I assume is her name. “Who are you talking to?”

“A hot guy in a suit,” she volleys back.

“What the fuck?” Milo mutters before he steps through the doorway of the bedroom.

A trail of red marks mars the skin of his neck and chest. Red lipstick paints an uneven line down his torso before disappearing beneath the waistband of his boxer briefs. “Rook?”

“Rook?” Nia asks. “Cool name.”

I ignore her and lock my gaze on my brother. “Explain.”

“Explain what?” He brushes past Nia to pluck his pants from the floor. “I use this suite when I need a place to…”

“Fuck like a beast,” Nia interrupts, filling in the blank with what she deems necessary for me to know.
