Page 103 of Rook

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I plug my phone in while my brother sets off toward one of the room’s phones, sitting atop a desk in the corner.

“This is Mr. Thorsen,” he says into the receiver. “We need someone to come up to the suite to clean up a broken item and do a few other light housekeeping chores.”

There’s a pause before he thanks the person who took that request and ends the call.

He rests both hands on the desk and takes a heavy breath. “I’m fucking tired of this, Rook.”

“Tired of what?” I ask impatiently as I wait for my phone to pop back to life.

“This,” he stresses the word. “The fucks are fun, but this hole inside of me afterward is like a crater. I feel like shit.”

I don’t say a word because I know my brother. He needs to get this off his chest.

“I met her on the app and thought, why not?” He huffs out a humorless laugh. “I brought her here. We had a few hours of fun, and then you heard what happened.”

When he glances up, I nod. “You told her it was a one time deal.”

“Yeah,” he acknowledges softly. “I’ve never met a woman I want another round with. I’m always clear about that before we hit the sheets, but when they want more…

“You bow out,” I finish his thought.

“Always,” he says. “It makes me feel like shit.”

“Looks like someone is finally growing up.” I toss him a wink. “Welcome to adulthood, Milo.”

My gaze drops to my phone’s screen when it finally lights up, showing all the texts and calls I’ve missed. Dread fills my body as I scroll through to find three text messages from Carrie telling me she was coming to this suite more than an hour ago.

“Was there a woman here?” I step toward Milo, but the phone charging cord offers enough resistance that I stop in place. “Tell me.”

“Yeah, Nia,” he says like I lost my mind. “Red hair, pissed as hell, sore all over.”

“Not her,” I bark at him. “Did anyone else come into the suite?”

He shrugs. “Not as far as I know, but I was busy, and Nia was loud. I’m talking her screaming was loud enough for folks in New Jersey to hear her.”

“Shit.” My voice cracks. “Goddamn it.”

“What’s going on?” He sprints to where I’m standing. “What’s wrong?”

“I think you broke the heart of the woman I love,” I accuse him.

“You love a woman?” His lips curve. “You just said you love a woman.”

“Carrie,” I say her name, reaching to grab hold of his shoulder. “I think there’s a chance she let herself in here when you were screwing Nia.”

His expression shifts instantly. “You think she thought it was you nailing her?”

“I need to go.” Panic drives my movements as I tear my phone from the charger.

“I’ll tell her it was me,” he offers. “I’ll do it under oath, Rook. Whatever you need me to do to make this right, I’m there.”

I don’t acknowledge any of that as I swing open the door to the suite and bolt into the corridor.



I stand outside the door to Declan and Abby’s apartment. I could use the key code to gain entry, but that’s not what Carrie needs from me. She’s already under the assumption that I fucked another woman.
