Page 22 of Rook

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It’s come in handy for ID purposes, but I haven’t been behind the wheel of a car in years.

I wish I had a getaway car now and a few feet of rope so I could climb out of the window behind me and repel down the exterior of Howerton House.

Once I walk out of this washroom, I have to face Rook Thorsen. I just told the man that I’m a card-carrying member of the virgin club.

I’m twenty-nine years old.

I’m probably a senior member of the club. I might be the President of it and not even know it.

I glance at myself in the large mirror above a row of sinks. My makeup is still all where it should be. That’s only because I didn’t burst into tears when I scrambled in here after the bouquet bounced off my head. I can only attribute that to being in shock.

“Carrie?” I hear Abby’s voice just as the door to the washroom slides open a few inches. “Are you okay?”

I don’t have an answer to that question, so I make a noise that I’d classify as a cross between a whimper and a sigh.

That’s enough to lure my sister into the room.

The smile that had been on her face all day was chased away by surprise once she realized she hit me with the bouquet.

I muttered something about being fine as I rushed off after watching Telford jumping up and down with the flowers in his hand.

“I’m sorry,” Abby repeats the words she called after me when I took off. “I’m so sorry, Carrie.”

“No.” I shake her apology away with a wave of my hand. “I’m fine.”

“How can you be fine?” She shrugs. “I hit you with the bouquet.”

I don’t need the reminder, but I fear that at least a few people caught it all on their phones. I’ll likely be a trending topic on social media by morning.

“I’m good,” I tell her. “Years from now, we’ll look back at it and laugh.”

She’ll probably always laugh harder than me, but I refuse to allow my sister’s wedding day to be ruined.

The truth is that I’m not hiding in here because of the bouquet toss debacle. I’ve sequestered myself in this luxurious bathroom because I told Rook Thorsen I’m a virgin.

No one else on the planet knows that secret. Not even my stepsister.

Her arms circle me. “It’s okay to be upset with me, Carrie.”

I hug her briefly before I step back from our embrace. “I’m not upset, Abs. I promise.”

“Are you sure?” Her gaze scans my face.

“I’m sure,” I tell her. “I just need another minute or two to refresh my makeup.”

She smiles. “Telford is leaving. He asked me to tell you when he saw me heading this way. He’s been waiting outside the door since you dashed in here.”

I glance toward the door. “He’s going home?”

“To plan that perfect proposal.” She tilts her chin down. “He’s convinced that catching the bouquet was a sign, so he’s feeling inspired. I think he’s going to pop the question soon. For real this time.”

If it took the bouquet bouncing off my head to finally get Tel to take the proposal plunge, I can’t help but see my sister’s bad aim as a very good thing.

Abby tugs on the skirt of my dress. “You should come say bye to him.”

“I should,” I affirm with a nod, even though the last thing I want to do is leave the safe haven of this washroom.

“Rook just took off, too. It looks like only a few of us will be partying into the night.”
