Page 26 of Rook

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“Until Declan and Abby left,” I say. “Then I went home.”


I take a bite of bagel to give me time to digest that question. Is he asking me if I took a man home with me? Telford and I talk about a lot of things, but our sex lives, or lack thereof in my case, is not one of them.

“There were a couple of cute waiters working the event,” he points out. “Both were checking you out.”

I didn’t notice either.

“I went home alone,” I clarify before I change the subject. “You said in some of your text messages yesterday that you think you’ve nailed the proposal.”

He finally succumbs to his fear of poppy seed laden teeth and takes a bite of the bagel smothered in cream cheese.

“Did you actually propose?” I ask, eager to know if he took the plunge.

Chewing, he shakes his head. “Not yet.”

“When will you do it?”

He pats his lips with a paper napkin. “The anniversary of our first date is coming up. I think that’s the day.”

Surprised that he’s factoring that into the proposal, I grin. “I like that. It’s romantic.”

“It is, right?” He smiles, revealing at least five poppy seeds stuck between his teeth. “I’ve got the ring and the ideal proposal. All the odds are stacked in my favor.”

“You forgot the biggest factor in all of this.” I pause before I go on, “Cam loves you a lot. I see it whenever you two are together.”

My reassurance buoys him. He straightens in the chair he’s sitting in next to the desk we share. “If I do it right, I’ll be married in a few months, Carrie. I’ll be a husband.”

“You are doing it right.” I skim a fingertip over a drop of cream cheese that fell on my bagel wrapper. “You’ll be a fantastic husband.”

“You’ll be a great maid of honor.”

My gaze darts to meet his. Unsure if I heard him correctly, I ask an all-important question. “You mean I was a great maid of honor for Abby, right?”

Tel’s hand slides across the desk to land on top of mine. “Cam hasn’t said yes yet, but you can. Agree to be my maid of honor, Carrie.”

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes, but I manage to hold it together. “I’d love to.”

His eyes flick over the front of my red blouse before they lock on mine. “I’ll help you pick your maid of honor dress for my wedding. Here’s a heads-up. It’ll be nothing like what you wore on Saturday.”

I toss my head back in laughter. “Noted.”

We each take a bite of our breakfast before Tel clears his throat. “You’re cat sitting for the next month, right?”

Still chewing, I nod.

“I love cats.” He grins. “Can I stop by and see little Cindy this week?”

I take a sip of coffee to wash down the bagel. “I’m heading to Abby’s after work for my final kitten sitting lesson since they leave on their honeymoon tomorrow morning. Any night this week works for you to visit Cindy.”

“Is Cindy bunking with you, or are you staying at Abby’s?”

“Abby’s,” I answer quickly. “I’m camping out in their guestroom.”

“Lucky.” He chuckles. “They live on Central Park West, right?”

I nod. “In a doorman building.”
