Page 32 of Rook

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“It’s a surprise for Abby.” Posey pauses. “Wait. Are you Abby’s sister? Are you that Carrie?”

Carrie nods slowly. “That’s me. Do you know Abby?”

Posey closes the distance between her and Carrie with a few short steps. “We work together. I’ve heard a lot about you. You’re a fragrance chemist, right?”

Carrie’s arms cross her chest. “I am, yes.”

“That’s so awesome.” Posey glances over her shoulder at me. “It’s freaking awesome, right, Rook?”

I don’t make eye contact with her when I answer because my gaze is pinned on Carrie. “It’s freaking awesome.”

That lures a small smile to Carrie’s face. “If you two don’t mind, I’m going to slip on some other clothes, and then we can talk more.”

“Of course.” Posey hurries Carrie along with a brush of her hand in the air. “Rook and I will wait in the main room for you. We’re sorry we barged in.”

She may be, but I’m damn glad that we did.

The way Carrie looks right now will live in my memory bank for a hell of a long time to come.

Less than five minutes later, Carrie enters the living room carrying Cindy. The kitten leaps out of her arms and onto the back of the couch, narrowly missing Posey’s head.

Posey laughs. “Animals usually like me.”

Carrie smiles at her. “I’m convinced that’s Cindy’s way of expressing love.”

I’m convinced that Carrie Gilbert looks magnificent in anything she wears.

Right now, it’s faded, ripped jeans and a black sweatshirt that bears the logo of New York University.

Carrie takes a seat on the couch next to Posey. I’m across from both of them in a chair. I tossed my suit jacket over the back of it when we first arrived. A sweatshirt bearing the name of Posey’s brother’s Brooklyn based restaurant is on top of it. She’d wear that thing to work if I allowed it. She sees herself as a walking, talking billboard and it’s paying off. A few people asked her about the restaurant as we made our way over here from the subway stop we met up at.

Posey runs a hand through her hair. “I want to apologize again, Carrie. When Rook hired me to do this, he said I’d have all the time I wanted in the evening and into the night.”

“Are you staying here, Carrie?” I already know the answer to that question based on the fact that we caught her in pajamas.

“I am.” She nods. “I take it Declan didn’t mention that?”

“No.” I huff out a laugh. “He’s been so caught up in all the surprises he has planned for Abby on their honeymoon. You being here while they’re gone must have slipped his mind.”

That’s a polite way of covering up for both Declan and I. Kirby asked if she could watch Cindy during our pre-wedding dinner, and Declan answered by saying the cat would be staying with Carrie. I assumed that meant that the cat would be bunking in Brooklyn. I should have followed up with Declan before he left.

“So, you’re painting a mural?” Carrie shifts her attention to Posey. “What kind of mural?”

Posey’s phone is in her hand, and displaying a brightly colored mural before I can blink my eyes.

She flashes the picture at Carrie.

“That’s gorgeous,” Carrie croons. “Abby is going to be over the moon happy.”

“Over the moon?” Posey flashes me a smile. “Do you see what she did there, Rook?”

I do, but I don’t think Carrie is aware because her brows have knit together.

I tap a fingertip on the phone’s screen. “The cow jumping over the moon. It fits into the nursery rhyme theme of the mural.”

“Right.” A blush creeps up her cheeks. “I know my sister will love it.”

I suspect she’s right.
