Page 40 of Rook

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I look to my brother for guidance. He picks up the subtle clues in my expression and fills in the blank with ease. “Rook’s been great, Lina. Since you and Gerry moved to Connecticut, he’s kept Kirby preoccupied so she doesn’t miss Alina as much.”

Ah, yes. It’s all coming back to me now.

Lina married a long-time client of mine shortly after their daughter was born. They saw fit to name the little girl after her mom. Alina Rowntree attended the same school as Kirby. My daughter liked the little girl but wasn’t sad to see her move out of state six months ago since Alina had a habit of pulling hair.

I sent Milo to pick up Kirby from school a handful of times. Obviously, he chatted up the moms, or at least the mom standing next to him.

“I need to get back to my friends.” Lina points to a table of five women. “We’re in town for a girls’ week.”

Milo shoots her a smile. “I’ll send over a bottle of champagne for the table. I hope you enjoy your time in New York.”

She steps toward my brother until their hands are almost brushing. “I’d enjoy it more if you’d give me your number. I’m sure there are a few sights in this city I haven’t seen yet.”

He cocks a brow before he leans down close enough that I swear he’s about to kiss her. “I’ll call Gerry, so when you’re back in the city with your husband, I can book you two seats on one of the sightseeing tours. You’ll want to dress warm for that, Lina. The wind whips right through the open upper deck of those buses.”

An audible huff leaves her lips before she heads back to her table.

“She wanted to fuck me,” he tells me something I already know.

I huff out a laugh. “You think?”

He shoots me a smile. “Married women are a hard no for me.”


“You had no clue who she was when you walked over here, did you?” He pats my shoulder. “You covered that well, Rook.”

I glance at where Lina is sitting with her friends. “Her husband is my client. I’ve only met her a couple of times.”

“She’s not the type to leave a lasting impression.”

He’s right. She’s not.

“You remembered her,” I point out.

“I remembered that her husband is worth more than a billion.” He smirks. “When you’re looking for investors, you always know where to find the big fish.”

I’m not surprised by that.

My brother has always chased after what he wants, including finding people with fortunes to help fund his dreams.

“You know I can’t give you Gerry’s number,” I point out. “You threatened Lina with that, but that whole lawyer client confidentiality…”

“I have his number,” he interrupts me. “He gave it to me during school pick-up one day. He’s always looking for a promising investment opportunity, so I’ll touch base with himwhen I’m ready to launch the next Thorsen Tech product.”

I grab his hand and shake it. “You’re an impressive little son-of-a-bitch.”

He takes me in for a side hug. “Little? I’m at least half an inch taller than you, and I’ve got a solid ten pounds of muscle on you.”

“Doubtful.” I pull back. “Are you ready to eat?”

“I’m starving,” he confesses. “Let’s sit so you can tell me all about your boring ass day.”

The bulk of it may have been boring, but seeing Carrie before I got here was anything but.

Her eyes flared when I told her that her secret is safe with me. I meant it, and as soon as I get a minute alone with her, I’ll repeat what I said at the wedding.

I want to be her first lover.
