Page 9 of Rook

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“So it looks like a wedding cake?” Kirby bounces to her feet. “Can we have it now?”

Since we all agreed to dress to the nines for this casual dinner, I should have known that Declan would have a surprise up his sleeve for my little girl.

I mouth the words ‘thank you’ to him.

He acknowledges my gratitude with a nod while offering his hand to Kirby. “Let’s go get that cake.”

She’s all in, bouncing along as they walk toward the display case that holds all the desserts.

I catch Abby dropping her gaze to her watch before she shakes her head.

“Is there somewhere you need to be?” I laugh. “Kirby’s bedtime is a little over an hour from now, so you can have your fiancé all to yourself soon enough.”

When our eyes meet, she’s smiling. “We’re going to Queens after dinner to see my folks. I’m both excited and nervous.”

“I get the excitement.” I lean back in my chair. “Why are you nervous?”

Her gaze darts to where Declan and Kirby are engrossed in a conversation with Jo. “I should let Declan tell you.”

“Tell me what?”

Her lips part, but she shuts them just as quickly.

I huff out a laugh. “I guess I have to wait for Declan to drop the news.”

She nods without a word.

“How are your folks?” I ask, pushing the conversation forward even though I’m curious about what the big secret is.

“Great.” She smiles. “They’ll be even better after we see them. I tried to get Carrie to tagalong but she’s having dinner with a friend.”

Hearing the name of her stepsister piques my interest.

Carrie is a beautiful woman with a brilliant mind. We met briefly months ago when she stopped by to see Abby at work.

Just as I’m about to ask how Carrie is, I spot Declan approaching us with a multi-layered cake in his hands.

My daughter is beside him, her gaze on the cake.

“I’m pretty lucky,” Abby whispers as she catches sight of her fiancé.

“You’re a lucky ducky,” I say when I know Kirby is within earshot.

My daughter’s high-pitched giggle tells me she heard what I said.

“I’m the lucky ducky, Daddy,” she says, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I get to have wedding cake for dessert. Maybe one day you’ll get married, and I can have it for dessert then, too.”

I ignore the comment because I have everything I want in life right next to me. I get to be her dad forever. I’m the luckiest duck at this table.



Telford shoots me a look from where he’s sitting.

We should be side by side, but he sat near the exit when Mr. Black’s assistant, Eda, told us to settle in for a few minutes in the waiting area outside his office.

She clears her throat. “You two look worried.”
