Page 91 of Rook

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“It’s that lady from Abby’s building,” he assumes.

He’s so far off base that it takes me a minute to catch up to him. I’m tempted to ask what lady, but before I can do that, he’s filling in that confusing blank for me.

“Mrs. Krasner from 22B.” He shakes his head. “It’s my fault, Carrie.”

“What’s your fault?” I ask because I feel like I’m lost on a path to nowhere, and maybe his answer will lead me in the right direction.

“I told her that you’re watching Cindy while Abby’s on her honeymoon.” He winces. “I know it wasn’t my place to say anything, but she mentioned that she’s planning a trip to Mexico in a couple of months and can’t take her dog. She’d prefer if the dog stays at home instead of at a boarding kennel.”

I finally see where this is going. “She’s going to ask me if I’ll take care of her dog?”

He nods vigorously. “I think that’ll happen when you see her tonight.”

How did this conversation fly off the rails so damn fast? All I said was that I had plans tonight, and from what Tel just told me, I may have a side gig as a pet sitter for the people in my sister’s building.

“Tell her to call me if you don’t want to do it.” He smiles. “I’m open to it. Her trip is scheduled for a month, and her apartment is a three bedroom with a view of the park.”

“You’ve been in her apartment?” I know I sound shocked, but I’ve been staying in the building since Abby left on her trip, and I haven’t even met Mrs. Krasner yet.

“I helped her with some packages after I visited you one day.” He shrugs that off. “She was on her way in when I was on my way out. She made me a sandwich.”

I let out a laugh. “You’re full of surprises.”

He adjusts the strap of his messenger bag on his shoulder. “Since you’ve got plans, I think I’ll head to the library and then turn in early.”

I glance in the direction I need to go before I level my gaze back on his face. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Tel.”

“You bet.” He smiles. “I know I mentioned it earlier, but it bears repeating. Your new cologne idea is a winner.”

I smile. “Thanks.”

“We’re a great team.”

“The best,” I agree softly. “We’re going to take the fragrance world by storm time and time again.”

“Damn right, we will.” He playfully presses his fist against my shoulder. “I’ll see you back here bright and early tomorrow.”

I watch as he walks away, feeling truly grateful for his friendship.



Anticipation is intoxicating when it involves an almost nude fragrance chemist and my cock.

As soon as I arrived at the firm’s suite at The Beaumont, I knew that Carrie was already there.

I felt it in the elevator as it inched closer to the floor where she is waiting for me. I sensed it when I tapped my keycard against the panel next to the door, and when the faint scent of her perfume hit me as soon as the door opened, my cock swelled inside my suit pants.

In my mind’s eye, I had played the scenario that would be waiting for me over and over again. Yet, it didn’t measure up to what I’m looking at now.

She’s on her side on the bed, facing me. Light green lace panties cover her pussy. The rest of her is bare. Her head rests on her arm. Her hair is cascading like a lush brunette wave over her shoulder.

“You said something about me being naked,”she purrs.

I will never claim to have had a hand in the transformation she’s undergone during the past few weeks. When she admitted to being a virgin at her sister’s wedding, she scurried away as if the words were tainted with shame.

I can’t say if that was the case or not, but this woman in front of me is as sure of herself as anyone I’ve ever met.
