Page 110 of More Than Promises

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Molly’s friends fawn over her, and I can’t blame them. The warm glow of the lights inside make her fitted, sparkling white gown shimmer.

She’s a beacon of radiance in a crowd of locals, who likely showed up for the free food and to poke their noses around our business, but I’m moved by the genuine congratulations we’re given. A sense of pride fills my chest to see her smiling with her hair pinned in a low bun and her birthmark on full display.

“Doctor,” I drawl when I approach Molly and her best friend, Piper. “Or should I say, Elaina.”

“Nice to see you again, Rowan.” Her mismatched eyes sparkle with mischief. “Safe to assume my letter to Patricia, stating that you aced marriage counseling, was accepted?”


Molly confessed to their little charade hours ago, and I can’t remember a time I’ve laughed so hard. The sheer audacity it took to pull off a stunt like that had me admiring her all the more. Besides, it’s impossible to be upset when Piper had my back that day, regardless of her intent to convince me to sell her the vacant building next door to her bakery.

I promised them both I’d look into it, but for now, I want a moment alone with the woman who’s slowly claiming every beat of my heart.

“You’ll have to forgive me for interrupting.”

I lower my mouth to Molly’s sweet lips, kissing her tenderly, openly for everyone to see.

Piper snorts, exasperated. “Oh-kay, while you two are being gross, I’m going to hunt down more wine and breadsticks.”

Molly grins against my lips, but she’s quickly whisked away by Gia not even a minute later.

“Catch up with you soon?” she asks as she’s dragged toward a group of excited Italians I assume are Gia’s kin.

I’m loath to let her go, but I’m glad to see her enveloped by the rowdy bunch. Being with Molly this past week has brought me more joy than I’ve felt in a long time. Truth be told, I’ve enjoyed having her with me through all of this, even when we were bumping heads, but now that all our barriers are down, I can’t get enough of her.

I get immense satisfaction from being the one who knows her body as well as I do—knowing what she craves, wants, and needs. But more than that, she makes me laugh. She challenges me, pushes me to the limit, and somehow, she’s unveiled a version of myself that’s deeper and more real than the man I was before her.

I spot Sam talking with a man at the back of the room and offer him a casual wave.

Seeing him here gives me anxiety. We’re putting on a show, doing everything we need to do to make this fake engagement as seemingly authentic as possible, but the looming sense of dread I’ve been ignoring all week bleeds through my ironed exterior.

He raises his glass at me before they step outside, and while I’m relieved there’s no sign of Wade, there’s a shadow following him tonight that prevents his smile from reaching his eyes.

Dan finds me steadily avoiding people while scanning the framed photos along the far wall and offers me a bottle of beer.

“There’s my Jeanie.” I follow his finger to a timeworn photo of his heavily pregnant wife. He takes a hefty swig from his bottle, then sniffles against the back of his wrist. “Shit. I swore I wouldn’t cry.”

“Hard not to get emotional over your only daughter getting married,” I say through the guilt crushing my chest.

“Guess you’re right about that,” he muses fondly. “We wanted more, you know… but after a complicated pregnancy with Molly, it was too risky to try again.”

I’m surprised by how much I understand his struggle. If Molly were truly mine, and we chose to have a family, I wouldn’t risk her life, either. I’d do anything to protect her, and I’d cherish her as fiercely as our fathers had our mothers.

“Anyway, I didn’t come over here to carry on about all that. I just wanted you to know that I was wrong to judge you when we first met.” He turns, and the unfiltered trust and pride in his gaze damn near kills me. “I haven’t seen my girl this happy since before her momma passed, and for that, I owe you my life.”

“Dan,” I start, but he cuts me off by clinking the lip of his beer to mine.

“To a lifetime of happiness for you both.”

I tip my drink to him and take a hearty swig, hoping like hell the alcohol will diffuse the bomb of emotions ticking inside me.

He claps a hand on my shoulder before leaving me to a fresh swarm of guests, eager to get to know more about me and my brothers, but I’m suddenly lightheaded, fielding their questions without truly hearing the words.

“You’ll have to forgive my fiancé,” Molly says as she winds her arms around my middle, her voice full of twinkling amusement. “Rowan’s not exactly the talkative type.”

Instantly, the tension leeches from my shoulders when I gaze down at her. I kiss the tip of her nose before she smiles at the couples I was speaking with. “Will you excuse us for a moment?”

I’m helpless to resist as she pulls me through the restaurant to the back patio. Gia has the deck lit up with white papier-mâché garland and soft glowing lights that sway above the tables.
