Page 3 of More Than Promises

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I cut my eyes to a cluster of women’s clothing and various articles of lingerie strewn across the back of a chaise lounge.

“Oh, don’t worry about the girls. They’re sound asleep in my room.”

“Girls.” I blanch. “As in, you slept with multiple women last night?”

“Three, I think, but I may have lost count.” He squints up at me with a cocksure grin. “Don’t be such a prude, Row.”

I don’t envy my brother’s sex life—he’s a serial dater, constantly in and out of relationships—but if the bastard worked half as much or as hard as I do, then he wouldn’t have as much free time to fuck around.

“You’re supposed to be on your way to New York.” My voice rises as I struggle to control my temper. “We’re too old for this shit.”

“Will you relax? I’ve got plenty of time to get there. I pulled some strings with one of Dad’s old airline buddies and moved my flight to three. I’ll get there at eight, have a couple of drinks at the bar, and go right to bed. I promise.” Unabashedly naked, he stands to stretch his arms overhead with a smirk he knows is going to push me closer to the edge.

I avert my gaze while he searches the room for his clothes. “Your promises lose merit when you keep pulling stunts like this.”

“Careful, grumpy. You’re starting to sound like Archer.”

I grit my teeth and seethe, “I’m not fucking grumpy.”

With his lower half now covered with a pair of gray sweats, he walks into my line of sight and tosses a wink my way. “That was especially convincing.”

He skirts out of the way when I make a move like I’m going to grab him.

Arrogant ass.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and when I see Cayce calling again, I gesture around the room with a pointed finger. “Get dressed. Get rid of the women. Get this shit cleaned up and get the fuck to New York before I fire you.”

He drapes a shirt over his shoulder, offering me a facetious smile before flipping me off on his way to his bedroom.

That threat is useless. He knows damn well I can’t fire him, not when each of us is a shareholder in Kendrick Enterprises. Four pieces of a currently disjointed puzzle.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I count to ten as I talk myself down. Fuck me. I’m going to have to call Archer to handle him, and calling Archer makes me itchy.

I step out into the main hall, where only a small lobby resides before the elevator. “Tell me you’ve sorted the estate issue,” I demand after answering Cayce’s call.

“About that…” he hesitates, making me groan.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, what is it now?”

“According to the will executor, whether you’re wanting to forfeit your right to the estate or not, you’ll have to come to Magnolia Creek and sign the papers in person.”

“Cayce, you’re a goddamn lawyer. Shouldn’t you know a loophole for this? Take the executor out to dinner and convince her to mail it to me.”

“When you meet this woman, you’ll know why that would never work. Besides, it’s the law. Wills are tricky, and this one is irritatingly thorough. I’m afraid there’s no way around it.”

My head falls against the wall. “Fine. I’ll be there first thing in the morning.”

Archer’s going to chew my ass for missing our meeting with a high-profile client seeking portfolio management, but I convince myself I can simply lie and say I’m sick. Then, I’ll fly to Tennessee, take care of business, and come straight home the same day.

Now that Lucas knows I mean business, we’ve got one less thing to worry about.

I frown when a cacophony of giggles erupts from inside the apartment. After unlocking the door for the second time today, I open it to the scent of bacon and four women, clad in nothing but variations of lacy panties, flitting from one corner of the kitchen to the next.

“Lucas!” I shout, but the girls ignore me, too busy dancing around with plates and cooking utensils in hand while he flips something inside a pan above the stove.

They all clap and shout excitedly when it lands, their tits bouncing as my brother shrugs at me. “What? They were hungry.”

With a heavy sigh, I slowly back out into the hall and close the door. Resting my forehead against it, I groan deeply. “I’m definitely going to have to call him.”
