Page 112 of Her Last Words

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“I think they will.”

“Ding, ding, ding.”

She really disliked this man!

“Why did you kill Jane Burr?” Trent asked.

“That woman from the bar?” He laughed, short and insincere. “I only killed her hoping it would throw you off my track. After you asked for access to Felicity’s latest project, I got a bad feeling. I figured if you thought a serial killer was out there, you’d forget about Naomi.”

“You were right about one thing. There was a serial killer. You. And because of Felicity Kelley, you’ll be going to prison for a very long time. And the Tipsy Moose Alehouse… why there?”

“Why not?”

Amanda turned to leave the room, and she and Trent said goodbye to the officer posted at the door on the way out.

She let out a deep breath and faced Trent. “Well, we did it. Time to go home.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.”

They had the rest of the day and week off to compensate for all the overtime they’d put in during the past weekend. Also, to account for Amanda’s vacation being cut short. They were expected back first thing Monday morning though.

But that was then. Right now, she couldn’t get home fast enough.

Amanda walked in the front door and found Logan curled up on the couch, reading The Romeo Killer. “No, no, no.”

Logan looked up and smiled at her. “It’s actually really good.”

“If you were me, you might have a different opinion. I’d prefer never to lay eyes on it or hear about it again.”

“Good luck there. It’s going to be a blockbuster hit.” He was on his feet now, finger stuck between the pages. He moved in for a kiss, and she held up a hand.

“Not until that thing’s away.” She pointed at the book.

“Fine. I’ll closet read.” He tossed it to the table by the front door and greeted her properly with a tight hug and a passionate kiss.

After, she pulled back and said, “Where is—?”

Zoe came running through the patio door barefoot and covered in dirt. Amanda didn’t get a chance to run before the girl caught her and wrapped her dirty hands around her pant legs.

She looked up at the ceiling. Can’t beat ’em, join ’em. “Let’s go garden.”

Zoe squealed, and Amanda took Logan’s hand as they stepped outside. She planned to salvage as much time with these two as possible before Monday came around.

Life was about laughter and love, and she was blessed with both.

* * *
