Page 90 of Her Last Words

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“Well-endowed? That, I wouldn’t know.”

“Here it is… Fresh off the grill.” Moose set down the orders, and the smell alone should be illegal. The sight was heaven—a perfectly toasted bun, strips of bacon poking out, melted cheddar cheese oozing onto the plate, the glimpse of red onion. To the side, a generous heap of golden deep-fried onion rings, a little container of coleslaw, and a wedge of tangy pickle.

“Thank you,” she said.

“You bet. Enjoy.” Moose walked off again.

No problem there…

She and Trent said little as they ate. When she popped the last bite of onion ring into her mouth, she could hardly believe she’d eaten the entire meal. She was hungrier than she thought, and surprisingly, it wasn’t sitting in her gut like a boulder.

Moose checked on them after their first few bites and later to clear their plates. He raised his eyebrows at Amanda and gestured toward her empty dish. “I must have outdone myself today.”

“You did that, but I was starving. What can I say?” She smiled at him, not taking offense at his reaction because he knew she rarely devoured the entire thing.

“Just the check then? Two… One?”

“One is fine,” Amanda told him.

“Cash, or will you need the machine?”

“The machine, please.”

“Charging it to the department?” Trent asked after Moose left to get the check.

“Not this time.”

“You don’t need to cover mine.” Trent went into his pockets and came out empty. “No cash, but I have credit and debit.” He held up the two plastic cards, and she shook her head.

“No need.”

“I’ll owe you then.”

“If you wish.”

Moose returned with the check and the card machine. Amanda settled up, adding a nice tip. Moose didn’t miss this when he was ripping off her copy. His eyes widened, then narrowed. “All right, now I really know you’re after something. What is it, Amanda?”

She pulled her phone and brought up a photograph of Jane Burr. “Do you recognize her as being in here last night between five and ten?”

Moose held eye contact with Amanda, but then relented and took her phone. He held it to within a couple of inches of his nose. “Yep, she was here and sat right there.” Moose pointed to a stool at the bar.

Amanda took her phone back. “You wouldn’t happen to have video coverage on that section, would you?”

Moose crossed his arms. “I do.”

“It would be really nice if you’d let us take a look at that for the time she was here.” She tagged on a pleasant smile, hoping Moose couldn’t resist it.

“Will this get my bar into trouble?”

She sat up straighter and answered honestly. “I don’t see how.”

“Very well then. Come with me.”

She hopped out of the booth, flashing Trent a cocky smile. Showing interest in people paid off almost every time.

Moose took them to an office positioned off the kitchen. It had two desks, two chairs, and a four-drawer filing cabinet. “Come around here.” He motioned for Amanda and Trent to walk behind one of the desks. He gestured toward the monitor. Video feeds showed in four squares, covering the rear of the building, the front lot, the cash register, and the bar with some of the restaurant.

“Which one do you want to start with?” Moose asked.
