Page 41 of The Ritual

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It wasn’t like the night before the ritual. That had been something else entirely. I didn’t know what it was, but maybe it was what Carissa had called it, a bad omen or something while this represented a good one.

Even if I felt really strange about it for a second.

The second winged beast hit the ground with another roar of noise. Pascal had pulled it down. But Oliver directed him on the pull. It was like a family affair. I glanced over at Jayne, who grinned ear-to-ear. Maybe she was less concerned with her match after she saw them in action?

Caroline walked over to me. “Well done, saving us all.”

I waved my hand. “They did the saving.” Her husbands had been shooting a lot of the arrows. “I just saw the worst case scenario.”

“Stop making light of what you did.” She leaned her head on my arm.

Something was wrong. I felt…itchy. The winged beasts were down, but there was still danger somewhere. I just knew it. “Caro, something…I can’t explain it. I feel crazy but it’s real.”

She lifted her head. “Are you okay?”

“Are we still in Hawkseye?” It was pretty rural. We were right on the edge. Where did the land divide and become not Hawkseye anymore? Was it so clear? I was counting on it being easy to find.

She nodded. “Sure. That big tree that looks like it might fall over but never does is the line.”

I turned and ran for the tree. I had to get to the other side of it. My dang shoes are wrong…again. I kicked them off. I needed my regular shoes regardless of my dress. Everyone would just have to deal with it. Who would even care? Maybe I could be the weird gifted person, the one chosen for the role, who wore the wrong shoes.

“Sloane,” Oliver called to me, but I didn’t stop. I had to get to the line.

I practically threw myself on the ground, knowing what was going to happen.

“Hey,” Caroline was right next to me. I almost warned her what was going to happen, but I didn’t have time. The vision hit me hard.

Three more flying nightmares headed our direction, but these were different. Although they might be the same sized monsters, these carried wizards and headed toward us.

The two who had died had been bait.

I tried to look around but there was no time. No, the danger was coming right then.

Caroline stared at me. “Are you okay?”

She hadn’t seen it yet, but she had to. The vision still rode me, and my husbands were receiving it. Caro had to come into her power. It was enough already. I grabbed her hand. She was Chosen. She had to see. “It’s here.” The vision was with us. She could receive it, too. She just had to wake up.

She went stiff, and her body shook as her very first vision hit her. In the distance, her husbands cried out, too.

In that second, Truett grabbed me, hugging me against him tightly. “I’ve got you. We saw it. Thank you. How did you see that? How did you know you had to do that?”

I couldn’t explain it as I dug my forehead into his shoulder and breathed him in, his clean scent clearing my lungs. “Caro.” It had to be ending. She would need help.

“They’re coming. Don’t worry about her.”

There was so much movement around us. “They’re coming. The flying beasts with riders.”

“I know they are.”

Shouts rang out around us as the rest of the Warriors charged forward to face the approaching nightmares. But my guys stayed with me. All four of them stayed there, holding me, stroking me.

“You’re magic. You know that, right?” Freddie whispered in my ear. “I need you to know that.”

Caroline cried hard. I could hear it, but it was muffled, as though she was being held. That made me feel better, since I’d forced the vision on her. She wasn’t supposed to have my vision. Why did I share it? Why had I thought I had the right?

A scream vibrated through the air, and I jumped, pulling back so I could see what was happening. My vision blurred and then cleared again. But it was crystal clear when I saw what happened. One of the flying demons let loose fire, burning through Carissa. I yelled at the top of my lungs. It had gone for her specifically. Why would it do that? Had the rider decided? She was dead. Her husbands hit the ground, agony escaping from their mouths as though they themselves felt the pain of her death.

“Don’t look.” Truett pulled my head down again. “You’re okay. You’re okay.”
