Page 54 of The Ritual

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He nodded, kissing my shoulder. Pleasure moved through me. “That’s true. I apologize. I was very focused on getting you outside. Yes, the other three went after those flying beasts. We decided that it was a) impossible to take you right now and b) that one of us needed to stay with you in case you had another vision. You weren’t to be left alone. I sent them off and rather insisted that I stay with you.”

I stared up at the sky, loving how it felt to be with him. “Why did you want to stay?” I whispered my question.

“Because I didn’t get my fill of Sloane cuddles. That sounds stupid, but that’s the truth, and I’ll confess to it. I’m not a warm person. I know that. But I want to do as much as I can with you. You need care right now. I want to give it.”

I closed my eyes but not to sleep. I just wanted to hear the breeze, and it was easier with my eyes closed. “Thank you, True.” I tried the nickname, and it worked right then. “You’re not cold. Reserved, maybe. And you frequently are a person of fewer words. But not cold. You’re plenty warm inside. And if you break my heart after I say these things, I’ll beat you with a stick when I recover.”

He laughed as he kissed my shoulder again, this time landing in the spot where my shirt didn’t cover the skin. “I won’t. Not sure I have much of a heart left, but you can have whatever is left, if you want it, my darling.”

There it was again. I loved that. I leaned back on him and we were both quiet. He touched me all over my body, rubbing and stroking me. Eventually, he reached my thigh. I shuddered from the sensation of his hand there, even through my skirt.

My heart pounded, and although I didn’t know what I was doing, I spread my legs a bit. If he wanted to take that as an invitation to touch me there, he could.

I waited with bated breath to see what he would do.

Chapter Fifteen

Nothing happened for a few seconds, and I wondered if I did it wrong. Or maybe he just didn’t want to take the invitation? That is totally possible.

“Are you inviting me to touch you there, beautiful?” he whispered in my ear. “Because I’m not going to touch you there unless you’re inviting me to touch you.”

He was going to make me say it, such a True thing to do. I already knew him well enough to know that. “I spread my legs to offer you an invitation, but it’s not me pushing you, if you don’t…”

He slipped his hand up my skirt, squeezing one of my inner thighs as he did. I shuddered at the contact. I wanted more but had no idea how to ask for it. I hoped he knew what he was doing, and suspected that he did.

Something about Truett practically screamed I’ve got this, no matter what he was doing. “I’m going to make you feel good,” he promised.

My lips curled in a smile. “I don’t even know if I know what that means. I never let myself think about this part.”

His gentle, low laugh right in my ear sounded adoring. “I think about it all the time, particularly since I first spotted you. And then they gave you to me…Since then? Fuck. It’s constant. After this, you’ll think about it all the time, too, if I do it right.”

I doubted there was much Truett would fail to do right, if he put his attention to getting it done. I would assume my body could only benefit from his undivided attention. He adjusted his hand until he could grab onto my panties, and then he pulled them down. I caught my breath. This is really happening. And I wanted it so much.

I almost died, and although it hadn’t occurred to me then, I didn’t want that to happen without ever knowing some of what he was offering. He caught his breath and at the same time slipped the tip of his finger inside of me.

I gasped. I didn’t expect the sensation of him there, and it was so different from anything I’d ever experienced before. He kissed my neck, and it soothed some of my anxiety.

“Trust me,” Truett whispered. “I’m going to learn your body. What you like. What you don’t like. I’m going to know all of it by the time we’re done here. Someday, when your tastes change, I’ll want to learn them all over again.”

I only understood part of what he was saying. “Why would they change?”

“Something will happen, and it will expand what you crave. Or you’ll decide you really don’t like something anymore you used to desire. Don’t worry. We’ll figure it out together.”

He moved his finger. “You’re so wet, and we haven’t done anything yet. That’s amazing.” He nuzzled against my neck. “That means you want this, want me.” His voice was soothing but also somehow stimulating at the same time. Finally, he settled his finger right on one spot. Slowly, he stroked me. It was measured, like he knew just how to touch me. Circular, steady pressure. I moaned, almost unable to believe the sound had come out of my own mouth.

I’d never experienced anything like the sensations burning through my body from his touch. My breath sped, my hips beginning to rock in time with his touch. He sighed, right against my ear, then kissed my neck, his lips dragging across my flesh. The sound almost seemed pained, but his constant touch pushed me onward. Soon, my muscles clenched around him. I couldn’t believe what was happening. What is this? I leaned back against him and grabbed onto his legs, not even sure what I was doing anymore.

I kicked into the blanket that we sat on, as if I wanted to dig my feet into the ground. I couldn’t make sense of it and didn’t want to. I just wanted him to give me more of what he was doing.

“That’s it, beautiful. You like what this is doing to you.” I couldn’t believe how his voice spurred me on, as if he gave me permission to take what I needed. I arched against him, and he pinched the spot he’d been caressing. I cried out, tears rushing from my eyes, but I wasn’t in pain. No, I loved it, and on a long, desperate sigh, I exploded around his fingers.

I panted, trembled, and couldn’t stop even as his fingers did. He kissed both sides of my neck, my cheeks, and my shoulders before he turned me around to face him. I wrapped my arms around him and held onto him as he laid us both down while he cradled me against him.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered against me. “I would do that again and again.”

That was incredible. As the fog of pleasure fled, I lifted my head. “There are things I can do for you, right?” He was hard against me. I could feel it, see the tension around his eyes. “Tell me what to do?”

“What to do?” He smiled at me. “For today, you do nothing. You’re healing, and I’m taking care of you. In a few weeks, I’ll teach you some things you can do for me, if you still want to learn. I imagine my brothers will instruct you as well. You’ll be well- versed in all things pleasure, but for today, I am just going to hold you here. We can listen to the birds, the insects, and the sounds all around us, and feel really lucky to just be today.”
