Page 3 of Baby Love

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Since she was no longer wearing a coat, I did a once-over of her body, confirming everything I’d thought when I met her outside the other day. Her curves were made for sex and breeding. The innocence coming off her in waves only added to her allure because I had a feeling that I’d be the first man to ever make her scream their name in ecstasy. Fucking hell.

I told myself once again that she was too damn young…but it didn’t make a damn bit of difference. My body knew what my brain would eventually come to accept. I was going to have this girl under me, my mouth on those fantastic tits, and my cock buried in her tight, young pussy.

“I thought you looked familiar the other day.” When she spoke again, it broke me out of the sexual stupor I’d fallen into, and I took a deep breath, trying to think of anything that would cool my desire.

“We only met briefly when I was a kid,” she said with a giggle. “Otherwise, I’ve only ever seen you coming and going in a hurry.”

Her words caught my full attention, shoving my desire to the back of my mind for the moment.

“We’ve met?” I queried. It seemed unlikely I would have forgotten someone so gorgeous and utterly sexy, right? I tried to think hard and…wait…had she said when she was a kid?

“Yep,” she responded as she walked into my office, her curvy hips swaying enticingly. “I was only six when you moved into the building, so I’m not surprised you don’t remember.”

“You live in my building?” I was growing even more confused, and something niggled at the back of my brain. Something I had a bad feeling about.

Sunshine laughed and stuck her hands in the back pockets of her pants, pushing her chest out. Those dirty thoughts attempted to come to the front of my mind again, but I managed to stay focused on our conversation. “I should have introduced myself first,” she said in a rueful tone. “I’m Jenna Kendall.”

The world came to a standstill for just a moment, then it seemed to crash all around me.

This was Justice Kendall’s daughter. I wasn’t sure how I’d missed it before because she looked so much like her mother. But she had a presence and sensuality that was all her own, which probably kept me from seeing the resemblance the first time I met her.

I wanted to bang my head down on my desk for thinking about this girl’s sexuality. Justice had said she was seventeen and still in high school.

She was a damn teenager, and I was twenty-fucking-one years older than her. I should probably have been shot for the filthy things I wanted to do to her tight—my instincts told me it was untouched—teenage pussy.

And if Justice had any inkling of the thoughts I’d been having about his little girl, I’d be chum for the fishes in the East River.

I opened my mouth to tell her to go home. To tell her I didn’t want to see her again. To do anything except what I did.



“Have a seat, sunshine.”

With that invitation, I knew my brain had jumped aboard the same train as my body. The situation with her dad would be fucking complicated, but this girl was mine. I knew it down to my bones. I’d have to wait until her birthday, but Justice had said it was only a couple of months away. Which was going to be pure hell, especially since I intended to have her here with me as much as possible. But I’d hold out, if only out of respect for her father because legally, nothing kept us apart.

When the day came, nothing would keep me from coming for her. Then I’d have my ring on her finger and my kid in her belly before anyone could try to take her away.

Fuck. I couldn’t wait to see her round with my baby, her swollen breasts dripping with milk. Everyone who looked at her would know without a doubt that she’d been claimed.


I gestured to a coat tree next to the door, and she hung up her outerwear before padding across the carpet to one of the chairs in front of my desk. Then she sat down, crossing one shapely leg over the other and clasping her hands in her lap.

Those thighs would feel amazing wrapped around my head.

For the love of everything holy, I needed to get a fucking grip on myself before I fell so deep into a fantasy that I came like a damn teenager without even touching her.

“You can call me Chase, Jenna,” I told her with a smile. “So you want to work with babies?”

Her face lit up as she nodded. “I love kids, but I want to make a difference. Not that what my mom does isn’t important, but…”

“I get it,” I assured her with a smile. “I take it you love being from a big family?”

Jenna giggled and tilted her head to the side, sending her long blond hair cascading over her shoulder. My hands practically ached to feel those silky locks wrapped around my fists.

“My family is awesome. To be honest…” Her cheeks turned bright red, and she looked everywhere but at me.
