Page 6 of Baby Love

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We stopped beside the crib of a little boy who was born at five and a half months. He was doing well and would hopefully be moved out of the NICU in a few weeks. “Stop worrying, sunshine. I want you taking care of my babies.”

She glanced up at me in surprise, and I cleared my throat before correcting my statement. “My patients.”

“Oh. Right.” A little laugh escaped her perfect lips, and her face flushed, making me fight back a smile.

I loved how transparent she was. Although, seeing her interest in me was a double-edged sword. It would make things easier after her birthday, but until then, her sweet and innocent looks of interest would make it so much harder to stay away from her.



“Dr. Sutton?”

My head whipped up at Jenna’s sweet voice, completely forgetting about the stack of paperwork in front of me. I had a sense of déjà vu from that morning, and the same zing of pleasure zipped over my nerve endings and hardened my dick.

“I told you to call me Chase, sunshine,” I reminded her with a teasing frown. We’ll save Dr. Sutton for when you’re on your knees, sunshine.

She smiled and shrugged adorably, her cheeks turning pink. “Sorry. Um…Chase…you asked me to come to your office when I was done for the day.”

Right. Because I was a glutton for punishment and couldn’t stay the fuck away from her. “I’m ready to leave now.” That was a complete fucking lie because I still had a ton of work to do. But I didn’t give a shit if it meant I got to spend extra time with Jenna. “I’ll give you a ride home.”

“You don’t have to—”

“Jenna,” I growled. “Stop telling me what I don’t have to do. If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t offer.”

She giggled and clasped her hands in front of her. “Okay.”

I pretended to write something on one of the charts in front of me in order to have a second for my cock to calm the hell down. Then I exhaled slowly before pushing my chair away from my desk and standing. I stalked over to the coat tree and grasped her peacoat—which we needed to talk about since it was not nearly warm enough for this weather. I helped her into it before snagging my long wool overcoat and shrugging it on.

As we headed for the exit, I wound a scarf around my neck and pulled on thick leather gloves. I glanced over at Jenna to make sure she was bundling up and couldn’t help smiling at the adorable vision she made.

She had a knitted—or maybe crocheted…or whatever—white eternity scarf around her neck with a matching beret-type cap on her head. She had also pulled on gloves that went with the ensemble but had a ruffle of fluffy fabric round the top. Her blond hair hung in soft waves all around her, and she’d put on boots with the same fluffy stuff at the top as her gloves. She looked like a snow bunny, and it was cute as fuck.

I opened the door and held it for her, nodding at Linus when he appeared and opened the back door to the Town Car. It was bitterly cold, so I hurried over and climbed into the car after Jenna.

She scooted all the way over, and I had to clench my hands into fists to stop from hauling her across the seat to plaster her against my side.

Giving her a ride home had been a very stupid idea. Being in this close space…alone…fuck. But I hated the idea of her taking public transit. Or a cab. Or even a ride with her father’s chauffeur.

I was too damn possessive. After one fucking day.

I couldn’t imagine how I’d be once I finally claimed her. It would probably be considered an unhealthy level, but I couldn’t bring myself to give a single fuck about my over-the-top impulses when it came to Jenna.

Her floral scent filled the car, making my cock throb with need. Heaven was so damn close…yet so far away.

I hit the button for the partition, and when it lowered, I ignored Linus’s questioning glance.

“How was your first day, sunshine?”

Jenna filled with light and excitement as she described each of the babies she’d worked with. To my surprise and pleasure, she told me that she’d also met several of the parents, and they’d asked her who they should talk to make sure she was the one spending time with their children.

Just from the small interactions I’d observed, I’d known Justice hadn’t exaggerated when he said that Jenna had a way with kids. But it was great to have the proof through the words of the parents of my patients. It would make it less complicated when I finally met with Regina. I’d been dodging her calls all day, not in the mood to explain myself. It wasn’t as though what she said would change my mind, but I didn’t want anyone causing awkwardness for Jenna.

When we reached our building, Linus pulled into the garage and stopped at the elevators rather than parking like he usually would. I smiled at his intuitive thinking—knowing I wouldn’t want Jenna walking any farther in the cold than she had to.

“I have it, Linus,” I said, waving him off when he started to get out of the car. After opening the door, I climbed out and held my hand inside for Jenna to grasp before I helped her out.

Grudgingly, I released it when she was steady on her feet. Then I shut the door and tapped the hood, although Linus predictably waited until we were inside the building before heading to his designated parking spot. He had an apartment on the third floor, which was very convenient for me. However, I wasn’t sure how things would work when I bought a townhouse for my hopefully soon-to-be growing family.
