Page 103 of Unbreakable Bond

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“Give us five minutes,” Gianni asked or insisted. I couldn’t be sure from his tone.

“You can have ten, but that nigga is staying.” Tyson barked before taking the stairs two at a time because he was so pissed off.

Mack followed, leaving only Gianni and me in the dark hallway.

“What the fuck is going on, Solana? Why didn’t you come to me?”

“What difference would it have made?” I sighed, running my hand across my forehead.

“I don’t know because you didn’t. Instead, you went to Hailo like she can help you through this shit.”

“I’m sorry. I wanted to. I was just scared.”

“You always come to me when you’re scared.”

“Well, I have a husband now.”

“So you don’t need me anymore?”

My how the tables had turned. Gianni and I had a similar conversation when Hailo came into the picture. I was angry because my partner in crime had a new partner. Not in a weird, incestuous kind of way, but being the only girl in a family like mine was hard. I often felt alone, like I was suffocating just waking up every day. Then there was Gianni—my favorite cousin, more like a brother who was complicit in my quest for freedom.

“No. I mean, yes. I’ll always need you, Gi, but you can’t be my number one anymore. That’s just how it works. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you. I’m grown up, but nobody around here sees that but the girls, which is why I didn’t tell you.”

“You should’ve.”

“I’m telling you now. The fact that he’s here tells me this isn’t about business. It’s about me.”

“Solana, some shit you?—.”

I shook my head rapidly, “He married me. Built me a house. You can’t fake that, Gianni. Whatever you think you know about Quest, you don’t. Trust me, please.” I begged because, without Gi, I didn’t know what to do next other than continue to hate my family until they felt bad enough to give Quest back.

“You can see him. That’s it.”

“That’s it? Then what?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out.”

“What does that mean?”

“Trust is a two-way street,” Gianni snarled, walking around me toward the door. “Don’t burn the only bridge you have right now being stupid when I open this door.” I nodded, and he unlocked it.

I couldn’t tell if Quest was unconscious or asleep from the condition of his face. It broke my heart to see him like this, knowing I was the cause. I peered back at Gianni, standing guard at the door, shooting daggers at him. Bloodied, bruised, and beaten, Quest was still as fine as the day he walked up on me at the casino.

I kneeled before the chair he was tied to and gently stroked his cheek, “Quest.” He didn’t immediately respond, which made me worry, so I nudged him again. His eyes began to flutter open, and I could tell from the way he blinked that he thought he was dreaming, “I’m here, baby.”

The corner of his mouth hiked, but the smirk was short-lived because he winced from the bruises. I appreciated how strong he tried to be for me, but I didn’t need that right now. He was alive, and I needed to get him out of there.

“You scared me.”

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, and I rested my head on his lap.

“Don’t be sorry. I’m getting you out of here,” I replied, looking Gianni straight in the face.

Quest didn’t reply, causing me to turn my neck. I couldn’t read his expression, but whatever he was feeling, it wasn’t positive.

“1124. That’s the code to the safe.” My heart was smiling at the date he used for the safe, but it felt like he was worried about all the wrong shit. “It’s a folder inside. It’s everything you need for the house. Sign it and make sure it goes to the realtor.”

“Fuck that house. I’m worried about you.”
