Page 17 of Royal Ransom

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“Yeah, I did. But I didn’t lay a finger on Eve. I saw her last night, sure. Could’ve done something then, but I didn’t. I let her go. This… This was between you and me, Kingpin. Always has been.”

I loosened my hold slightly, processing his words. The anger was still there, burning hot, but confusion and concern for Eve overshadowed it. “If you didn’t take her, then where the hell is she, Hallow?”

He shrugged. “Don’t know. Wasn’t part of my plan. I just wanted to see you suffer, to see you lose something for once. Like I lost Eve, then Sky, too. But I didn’t take her, I swear.”

My grasp on him tightened. “You show up and Eve’s gone. It’s a bit too convenient.”

Hallow spat. “If I wanted to cause more trouble, I could, Ace.” He wasn’t just being cute with names. It was a threat. And after I gave him and Sky new identities to save her and her baby from the mob, too. Ungrateful asshole.

Instead of Hallow and Sky, they were Mr. and Mrs. Black. Owen Black and Savannah Miller Black, to be exact. And he wasn’t supposed to have any idea I knew his new road name, Maverick. He wasn’t supposed to know my connections to the Road Monsters MC, but I assumed he’d found out since he just called me Ace. Because I was one of the four aces, bikers who ruled the nomads. The Ace of Spades, code name fish.

Releasing him, I stepped back, my mind a mess. Hallow was many things, but his admission rang true, if only for the fact if he harmed Eve he wouldn’t have come here, begging for a painful death. It was becoming clearer. The realization struck me like a freight train. Hallow was here to settle a score with me, ruin our wedding day, but Eve was missing for another reason entirely. My heart, which had been frozen in dread, started to pound with a new urgency. We had to find her, and fast.

The world seemed to tilt on its axis, the ground under me unsteady. Eve, the woman I loved, the woman I was supposed to marry today, was out there somewhere, and I had no idea if she was safe. My anger towards Hallow melted away, replaced by a singular focus. Finding Eve.

Turning away from Hallow, I rallied my brothers. “We need to find her. Now.” The urgency in my voice galvanized the group, and we sprang into action. Eve was out there somewhere, and every second counted.

Mobilizing my brothers, we started to piece together the events of the night before, every moment that led up to this morning. The joy of the bachelorette party, the confrontation with Hallow, her sudden disappearance, all formed a jigsaw puzzle with too many missing pieces.

But one thing was for sure. I wasn’t going to sit back and let karma, fate, or any other bullshit dictate my story. Eve and I had fought too hard, overcome too much to let it end like this. With a renewed sense of purpose, I depended on everyone. We would find Eve, bring her home, and start the life we were meant to have together. No matter what it took, I wasn’t going to let her slip through my fingers. Not now, not ever.

I started with the girls who were with her last night. “Alright, tell me everything,” I demanded, my voice rough with barely contained panic. “The last time you saw Eve was at Bootsie’s?”

Jassica stepped forward. “Yeah, Kingpin, it was at Bootsie’s. We were all there, havin’ the time of our lives. Eve was up on stage, singin’ her heart out as always. She was… she was incredible.”

Mary chimed in, wringing her hands nervously. “She was so happy, Kingpin. We all were. After she finished her set, she came back to us, and we just kept on celebratin’, dancin’ and laughin’.”

“But then,” Leo added, her voice tense. “Eve said she was headin’ out for a bit of fresh air. She… she seemed fine, just needed a moment, y’know?”

I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. “And none of you went with her?” I tried to keep my frustration in check, but it was hard. They were supposed to look out for each other.

Connie spoke up, her expression apologetic. “We thought about it, but Eve said she’d be right back. And then, the night just got away from us… When we realized she hadn’t come back, we started lookin’ for her, askin’ around. But nobody had seen her. Her Harley was gone. We just figured…”

Minni added, “We thought maybe she’d gone back to Royal Road early, to see how wild things had gotten with you. She was really worried about what you’d do last night with one of the whores. She said she might head home early.”

Raking my hand through my hair, I felt the burden of their words. “Any of you have a goddamn phone? Why didn’t you check?”

“We tried, but Eve’s a big girl, Prez,” Memphis said.

“Out of everyone, you know better, Memphis. How the fuck? And Hallow? You saw him there?” I asked, pointing at the fucker.

“Yeah,” Ember confirmed, her gaze dropping to the ground. “He was there, lurkin’ around. Looked like a mess, drunk and mutterin’ to himself. But we didn’t think… We didn’t think he’d do anything, not really. Eve’s so strong, so fierce. We never imagined…” Her voice trailed off, and the silence that followed was heavy with guilt and worry.

Memphis let me have it. “Actually, we all thought maybe she was off with some guy having a good ol’ time.”

Leo added, “Yeah, we thought she’d been dicknapped if anything by you or someone else.”

“Dicknapped?” I repeated her word.

Leo explained, “Y’know, when a girl leaves her girlfriends for some dick. It happens.”

“Y’all thought my ol’ lady was off fucking someone?” I growled.

“Yeah,” Sweet Tea interjected. “Maybe even Hallow. One last fling, like she was afraid you might do. None of us could blame her and none of us thought you’d keep your dick in your pants last night, and we told her as much. And if that were the case, and she met some guy, we were going to leave her to it. And keep our mouths shut.” She zipped her lips.

“Alright,” I said, taking a deep breath to steady myself. “Thanks for telling me. We’re gonna find her, okay? I promise you, we’re gonna bring Eve back. Because she didn’t leave her kids and wedding for some strange dick. I can guarantee that.” I thought the last part was obvious, but it needed to be said.

As the girls all nodded, I turned away, my mind overflowing with possibilities. Eve had vanished after stepping out for air and Hallow was lurking around. It didn’t take a genius to connect the dots there, but something didn’t sit right. If Hallow hadn’t taken her, then where was she? And why hadn’t she come back?
