Page 10 of Barron

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“Barron, please, upstairs. The bed is upstairs.” She whispered in his ear and bit his lobe before moving closer to his neck and the muscles there. If she bit him now, which he needed more than anything, he nearly passed out waiting for her to bite him so that he could come hard. He didn’t even care if he was inside of her right now.

“We’ll ever make it. Now, Baby, I need you now.” He stepped back again, and his knees nearly buckled at the naked woman before him.

Her small but full breasts were lifting up and down because she was panting so hard, her nipples red and swollen from his mouth had him begging for more. Her pussy was soaked, her juices shining on the curls that just covered the nether lips he so desperately wanted to fuck and taste at the same time.

“Christ, I want you.”

He pushed her back against the cabinets and pulled her hips closer to the edge. He ran his finger along her heat from the bottom just to the clit that was just visible beneath the curls. He teased her with a flick of his finger before pushing into her core.

Willow nearly came off the counter, her hiss of approval driving him to deepen his assault. He watched her as he fucked her with his finger, soon adding a second, then a third, into her. She rode him, undulating her hips with each in and out movement of his fingers. Leaning in, he took her breast into his mouth again, scraping his teeth across her nipples one at a time while she got used to him invading her. Drawing a tiny bead of blood to the tip by nipping her just a little too hard, Barron drank greedily from the hard peak.

With his free hand, he pulled the snap off his dress pants and jerked the zipper down. His thick, hard cock immediately filled his hand, a tiny pearl of cum oozing from the dark crown as he fisted it up and down in time with the movements of his fingers inside of her.

When he was close, feeling the tingle of impending climax running up his spine and straight to his balls, he pulled his fingers from her reluctantly and took her mouth with his own. Her moan ripped through him, nearly making his come all over her.

“I’m large, baby, I’m sorry, but it’s going to hurt you. If you want me to, we’ll…Christ, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we’ll stop. We will Willow; do you want me to stop?”

“I’ve never, I mean, I don’t know. Take me, please, Barron. I want you inside of me now.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her body taunt with need, and he could tell a little fear. “Do it. Take me now.”

Putting action to words, she tightened her legs around him once again and surged forward just as he entered her, breaking through her hymen with a hard push. She screamed with the pain as he took her virginity. He felt horrible for making her hurt and happier than he’d ever been in his life that she had waited for him to have her heart and body.

Barron stopped, his body frozen inside of hers. He could feel her body adjusting to his, pulling and tightening around his shaft. He wanted to move deeper, to empty himself in her, but he also knew that he’d hurt her more if he tried to move just now.

He kissed her gently on the mouth and kissed away her tears as they fell along her cheeks. All the while, he was touching her, murmuring things to her, soothing her, holding her as he would a small child who had a hurt. His mind was frozen. He could no more tell himself what he’d said to her than the day of the week.

“Oh baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t…well, I did mean to. I just…as soon as you are ready, I’ll pull away, honey. Then a bath, I’ll run you a tub full of hot water…Oh god, Willow, don’t move like that…Oh yes, no, don’t…Willow, please.”

She started moving, to move away, he was sure, but as soon as the friction of his cock moved against her clit, she moaned, and he didn’t think it was from pain. He held still, waiting for her to make the next move.

Willow tentatively moved forward against him. He, too, moved, drawing a deep moan from her. His movements were slow and measured. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he could feel her need building back up with every stroke of his cock.

“Oh, my god, Barron, please. Oh, please don’t stop.” He knew he wouldn’t be able to now, not with her legs tight around him and her pussy walls milking him.

Cupping her ass, he picked her up, and holding her tight against him, he pressed her against the fridge again, using it for leverage. Their rhythm grew frantic, their moans deeper, more demanding. When he felt her tongue trace the vein down his neck, he knew he was lost. He began to ride her harder as he searched for the vein in her throat. Licking her rapidly beating pulse, knew his own was pounding as hard as hers.

He bit her then and drew a deep pull of her into him, his own blood pouring into her mouth as she had bit him, too. Their mutual climaxes roared through them. Barron didn’t stop his movement but slowed as he held her closer to him, and when she came again, sobbing his name over and over, he came hard, pouring himself deep into her.

Barron leaned his face against the cool refrigerator and tried to calm his pounding heart. He was panting hard as hell, his lungs burning as if he couldn’t catch his breath. At this moment, he knew that he could die willingly and be a happy man. He held Willow to his body, his cock, still semi-hard inside of her. He straightened enough to look at her. The sated look on her face took his breath away.

“Are you all right, Love?” When she didn’t answer right away, Barron turned and sat her on the counter again. “Willow?”

“I’m fine. No, I’m not fine. I’m amazed, overwhelmed, relaxed, happy, and wowed. I don’t know if I’m making any sense.” She snuggled her face closer to his neck, licking the droplets of blood she had missed in the bonding process. She looked up at him when he growled at her.

“You keep that up, and we will never leave this kitchen. I think you should have that bath. You’re going to be sore if you aren’t already.” He didn’t put her down but carried her still wrapped around him up to where she had pointed out which bedroom they’d be using from now on. As a couple. A mated couple. The taps were on, and the tub was filling before they got to the stairs. He didn’t know which of them had used the magic to do that, but he was thrilled beyond words that the tub and the water were the perfect tempter when he got there.

As they were both naked, he stepped into the tub and settled them both into the water. Turning her around so that her back was against his chest, he began washing her with the large sea sponge that was sitting along the edge. There were candles all along the wall of the enclosure on little shelves. With a thought, he lit them for her, their scent wafting around the room. He ran the sponge up and down her arm as he held her, not really wanting to wash her so much as to touch her. And that was something he planned on doing every day, every minute, for the rest of his life.

“Now, what do we do? I mean, after we take a bath and hopefully not wake in the morning too sore.” He told her that he didn’t care now if the world came crashing down. He was content. “Behave. We can’t just have sex all the time. We’ll die of starvation. Speaking of which, I’m starving.”

A small stool laden with fruits and vegetables appeared by the tub. She told him that she was set to go on a pony run with her family tomorrow that she’d nearly forgotten about. When he asked her what that meant for the tribe, she told him as if it were no big deal. To her, it might not be, but to him, it sounded like something that he’d enjoy.

“We have been scouting ponies and wild horses for the last few months. A couple of weeks ago, Running Water found a large haram that he has been keeping close to the place where we’re staying. After we gather as many as we can—usually about two hundred of them- the park services pay us for each of them, and then they sell them to places around. It keeps the population down to a good number, and the tribe has money for things like flour and the like.” He asked her how many she’d been on. “Ten. I mean, this will be my tenth ride. I’d love it if you could go, but it’s dangerous. You could ride with me on—”

“I’ll do whatever you need me to do without a moment’s hesitation. I had no idea that the park did that.” She told him it was a good way to keep the park from being too grazed.

“We don’t do it every year but every three or four. It’s an all-day event, and when we return with the horses, there is a huge celebration that lasts for a couple of days.” He could hardly contain his excitement. “A lot of great horses have come from the Mountains here. It’s like we’ve given birth to them when we hear about them in the paper.”

They talked for a long time. Every time the water got a little chilled, he’d let a little out and then fill it again. When Willow laid her head on his chest to rest a bit, he knew when she’d fallen asleep. It was the greatest feeling in the world when someone trusted you enough to sleep without fear on your heart.
